TALISMAN is a game played in a mythical world of dragons and sorcery. As a warrior, wizard, priest, or one of many other characters with special powers, each player must set off on a quest to find the magic talisman. The journey will be filled with danger - monsters, traps and evil beings are waiting to defeat your player-character. With skill and luck you will survive to find the greatest treasure of them all. Only then will victory be yours."
Talisman, once published by
Games Workshop is (sadly) no longer supported by them. The "official" supplements to this game are hard to find.
I have the 2nd edition of the rules, and thanks to
e-bay, I also own Expansion, Adventure and Dungeon. But Talisman supplements are not limited to just the official ones. Seek and you shall discover many other places where a talisman may be found ...
Here is my contribution:
Paul Morrow's Talisman the Quest ... ideas from the Creator of Talisman City and Dragons.
Filippo Zuliani's Talisman Log of Changes The Itialian Future of Talisman
Lori and Joe's Talisman Adventures keepers of the ellusive "White Knight Enterprises" card set
The Talisman 2nd Edition FAQ
Talisman 2nd Edition Official Answers
Notes concerning my designs:
I chose not to provide artwork for most of the Adventure, Spell, Purchase and other cards. I am not that good of an artist and I prefer not to plagiarize another artist's work.
Where I do use another designer's ideas, I do my best to give that designer credit. I welcome any corrections to where I have attributed credit to the wrong person.
All rules are written to be compatible with the Second Edition of the Talisman game.
The game boards (or sections of) have a resolution of 72 pixels per inch and are small enough so that they are easily printed on 8 1/2" x 11" sheets of paper. Card images have a resolution of 200 pixels per inch (to preserve as much detail as possible).
Encounter descriptions are included within the rules associated with a game board if they cannot properly fit on the game board.
As per Games Workshop's request, I do my best to refrain from using their artwork. Where I do use their artwork, I provide a disclaimer stating which images are their copyrighted (copywritten ?) material.
This site currently has the approval of Games Workshop and is subject to their review to maintain that approval.
"Talisman" is a trade mark of
Games Workshop Ltd. registered in the UK, US and other countries of the world. No threat to its status is intended.
The graphical image of the Talisman Logo, the Talisman title image and the box images for Expansion, Adventure, Dungeon, City, Dragons and Timescape are Copyright
Games Workshop Ltd.
Page Last Updated: 08/17/01