Here are additional spells to expand the Talisman grimroire. Use them at your own risk !

These are, to the best of my memory, sources for Spells presented.

(1) from White Dwarf # 72 - can be found at Kulkmann's Talisman G@amebox
(2) from Talisman Log of Changes
(?) unsure of the source.
(m) an original idea of my own (I do get one on occasion).

Cast this Spell as Combat is about to take place. It may be cast on yourself, another player or an Enemy. When cast it increases the target's Strength by one die for the duration of that combat only.

Cast this Spell as required. It must be cast at another player. It transmutes all their metal non-magical weapons, armor and Gold into wood rendering them useless. They must dump them on the discard pile.

Cast this Spell on any Weapon as Combat is about to start to enchant any Weapon. For the duration of that one Combat only, the Weapon will give an additonal 2 to Strength.

Cast this Spell as required. When you cast it, roll 1 die and take that number of bags of Gold from the stockpile.

Cast this spell as required. When cast, it permits you to take a defeated Enemy card from the Discard pile. The resurrected Enemy will add its Strength to yours for one Combat after which ou must discard it.

You may cast this Spell at any time during your turn. When it is cast, place it on any space in your Region not occupied by another Character. Once placed, this card represents a Spirit with Craft 8. When encountering this Spirit, you may choose to Evade it.

This Spell cannot be cast, it is a curse upon the Character who has it. It does count towards the number of spells a Character can have and can only be discarded when the Character visits the Warlock's Cave.

Cast this Spell at any time. It allows you to change places with another Character in the same Region. After the Spell is cast the turn proceeds normally with the Characters in their new locations.

Cast this spell on an Enemy. Their Strength or Craft is increased by 5.

Cast this spell prior to Combat. It allows you to enchant your weapon, increasing its strength bonus by 1. It may be combined with other Spells.

This spell cast upon a Character creates a perfect duplicate of that Character. When something affects that character (good or bad), roll a die:
1-3: The duplicate is affected.
4-6: The Character is afffected.
The duplicate disappears at the begining of the caster's next turn.

Cast this spell on any Place. That place is now overgrown with vegitation and is considered abandoned. Discard the Place.

If you are Good, discard this spell and draw another. Otherwise, when cast, you gain 1 Life for every Follower (up to 4) you sacrafice (discard).

Cast this spell prior to combat. It allows you to use the Bow for Psychic Combat once.

Cast this spell as required. After this Spell is cast, each time you are involved in Psychic Combat with an ENEMY-Spirit, roll 1 die.
1-2: The Spell disapates.
3-6: The Spell protects you. You do not lose a life.

(m) TOAD
Cast this spell on any ENEMY (except Spirits), Follower (yours or another's) or another Character at any time. When cast it turns that person into a Toad for 3 turns. The spell does not affect ENEMY-Spirits, the Hag, or the Poltergeist.
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Comments and suggestions concering these expansion ideas are welcome.
E-mail them to jhereg10@comcastDOTnet (replace the "DOT" with ".").

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Page Last Updated: 10/29/98