(I would recommend downloading the image first and then printing it off using a graphics program rather than just printing it from your browser. That way you will be sure to print the image at its true size.) This tower image is the same size as the 2nd Edition Inner region: 15.24cm x 21.13cm (6" x 8.319"). The door on the Tower matches up with the door in the Portal of Power. |
11:26 A Character wishing to pass from the Wizard's Tower to the Middle Region does not need to stop at the Door. They simply Move from the Antechamber to the Portal Space. This is their Move for that Turn.
11:3 The die is not rolled for Movement. Characters can Move only 1 space per Turn.
11:4 The Encounter instructions for each Space must be completed before a Character can Move on.
11:5 A Character may decide at any time to Move back towards the Portal of Power. A Character defeated by the Dragon King MUST move back towards the Portal of Power and leave the Tower. Movement is still 1 Space per Turn but the instructions for Encounters are ignored when retreating.
14:1 A Character may not Encounter another Character while in the Wizard's Tower.
14:2 If you are entering the Tower, you must stop your movement at the DOOR and discard your Talsiman. If you don't have a Talisman, you enter at a cost of D6 (one die) lives.
14:3 A Gargoyle guards the entrance to the Wizard's Tower. To continue onward you must defeat it in combat. Roll 2 dice and add 3 to determine its Strength.
14:4 In this room, you encouter Death. Death rolls 2 dice and you roll 2 dice. The higher roll wins. If you win, you may continue. If you lose or draw, you lose 1 Life.
14:5 For each item you or your followers carries, roll a die. On a 1 or 2, the item is discarded.
14:6 You escape the trap but your followers aren't so lucky. Roll 1 die for each Follower, on a 1 or 2 that follower is lost.
14:7 The Dragon King is Strength 12, Craft 12. Fight him in combat or psychic combat (your choice). If you lose or draw, you must leave the tower. If you win, you may continue on your next turn.
14:8 Characters, Magical Items and/or fiollowers that automatically defeat dragons do not affect the Dragon King. However, Items that give bonuses against dragons do (e.g. the Holy Lance does add 3 to the Strength of its user when fighting the Dragon King).
14:9 You have attained the Crown of Comand. You have won. You are now all powerful.
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"Talisman" is a trade mark of Games Workshop Ltd. registered in the UK, US and other countries of the world. No threat to its status is intended.
The graphical image of the Talisman Logo, the Talisman title image and the Tower artwork are Copyright Games Workshop Ltd.
Page Last Updated: 10/01/98