Here is a collection of things you might find useful:

More than one person has asked me where I got the font I used on the icons for my main page. I created it from scanning the backs of the game cards and using photoshop to cut and paste the letters. Here is the crude set of characters that I came up with.

And thanks to Sam Wallace, there is now a Talisman Display true type font. I will put it up as soon as I can. I seem to be having trouble with GeoCities accecpting an upload of a file with a .ttf extension.

I always thought the Strength, Craft, Life and Gold counters should have been back printed. So here is are some front and back sets of counter images. The purple ones are for experience [see House Rules].

I also made a set of "custom" alignment cards. Place one with your character when his alignment changes. Whatever is visible and right-side-up is your current alignment (the cards that came with the 2nd Ed game didn't have any cards for a -NEUTRAL- alignment.

BE WARNED: These graphics files have a resoulution of 200 pixels per inch so they are rather large and may take a while to load.

For best results, I recomend downloading these images and printing them out using a paint program.

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"Talisman" is a trade mark of Games Workshop Ltd. registered in the UK, US and other countries of the world. No threat to its status is intended.

The graphical image of the Talisman Logo and the Talisman title image are Copyright Games Workshop Ltd.

Page Last Updated: 03/25/00