![]() This is the Board | (I would recommend downloading the image first and then printing it off using a graphics program rather than just printing it from your browser. That way you will be sure to print the image at its true size: [24.21cm x 18.25cm] [9.53" x 7.185"]. ) |
22:25.02 You may move less than your movement roll if you so desire, but you must move at least 1. You may not end your Movement for a turn in the same district in which you started.
Die Roll: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Movement: 1 2 2 3 3 4
A Torch | for 1 Gold. |
A Waterbottle | for 1 Gold. |
A Pastry | for 1 Gold. |
A Fish Cake | for 1 Gold. |
An Axe | for 1 Gold. |
A Sword | for 1 Gold. |
A Quiver of Arrows | for 1 Gold. |
A Bow | for 2 Gold. |
A Helmet | for 2 Gold. |
A Great Axe | for 3 Gold. |
A Shield | for 3 Gold. |
Armour | for 4 Gold. |
1-5 | = You angered the gods. Lose 1 Life. |
6-8 | = You must pay pennance. Lose 1 Turn. |
9-10 | = You are ignored. |
11 | = The Gods are pleased. Gain 1 Life. |
12 + | = The gods are very pleased. You are given a blessing. |
A Dog | for 1 Gold. |
A Mule | for 2 Gold. |
A Horse | for 3 Gold. |
A Horse and Cart | for 4 Gold. |
A Warhorse | for 5 Gold. |
2 | = Take 1 available Talisman card. |
3 | = Take 1 available Purchase Card (choice). |
4-10 | = Nothing happens. |
11 | = You gain 1 Strength or 1 Craft. |
12 | = You gain 1 Life. |
Die 1 |
Die 2 |
Event |
1-2 | 1 | = A thief steals a (random) Object/Magic Object from you. |
1-2 | 2 | = You stop a thug from harassing a priest. He gives you a Blessing. |
1-2 | 3 | = The City Guards accuse you of a crime - go to Judgement Square. |
1-2 | 4 | = A drunken mercenary (Strength 3) picks a fight with you. |
1-2 | 5 | = You befriend a Chiurgeon who offers to heal up to 2 Lives for free. |
1-2 | 6 | = Nothing happens. |
3-4 | 1 | = You drink from a well of bad water. You lose 1 Turn recovering from it. |
3-4 | 2 | = You assist a Wizard in aquiring some spell ingredients. He gives you a Scroll as payment. |
3-4 | 3 | = A rich merchant pays you 2 gold to protect him while he makes a delivery. |
3-4 | 4 | = The streets are blocked by a procession for some self-important noble. You lose 1 Turn waiting for it to pass. |
3-4 | 5 | = You pause to listen to a wiseman teaching a group of students on the steps of a building. You gain 1 Craft. |
3-4 | 6 | = Nothing happens. |
5-6 | 1 | = You attract the attention of a Courtesan. He/She accompanies you during this visit in the City and will prevent the City Guards from arresting you once. |
5-6 | 2 | = The Royal Tax Collector approaches you. You must pay him 1 Gold or be thrown in Gaol. |
5-6 | 3 | = One of your Followers wanders away. Discard 1 (random) Follower. |
5-6 | 4 | = You save an old woman from harm. She is a Witch and is very grateful. She casts a Spell on you that causes you to gain 1 Strength. |
5-6 | 5 | = You find a purse with 3 Gold in it. |
5-6 | 6 | = Nothing happens. |
1-3 | = You are released at the North Gate. You must leave the City. |
4-5 | = You lose another turn in Gaol. |
6 | = You find an entrance to the Dungeon. (If the Dungeon is not being used, then you are released at the North Gate as above.) |
1 | = You are turned into a Toad for 3 turns. |
2 | = Nothing happens. |
3 | = You gain 1 Strength or 1 Craft. |
4 | = You gain 1 Spell. |
5 | = You gain 1 Life. |
6 | = You gain 2 Strength or 2 Craft. |
2 or less | = They are found guilty and are thrown in Gaol. |
3 or more | = They are found innocent and on their next turn may continue their adventures in the City. |
1 | = You are tasked with bringing in a Bandit, an Outlaw, the Raiders, the Gang, the Robber, or a Deserter to the Sheriff to face justice. |
2 | = You are sent out to slay a Dragon. |
3 | = Bring the Golden Statue to the King. |
4 | = Bring the Ancient Artifact to the King. |
5 | = Bring the Magic Branch to the King. |
6 | = |
1 | = Your beast has been stolen along with any Objects it may be carrying (they are discarded or returned to the Purchase deck. |
2 | = The City Guards accuse you of a crime - go to Judgement Square. |
3-6 | = You retrieve your beast and Objects. |