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A large number of little people are rushing to and fro on this opening. Each one carries a small pencil with which (s)he adds or corrects stuff on one of the many lists that are lying around here.
You ask one of the little guys what is going on here: "We're desperatly trying to keep the lists up to date" he tells you between two panting breaths "but those guys just keep adding and changing stuff for this game all day! We'll never ever get finished!" And off he goes.
ULTRA stands for "Ultimate List of Talisman Related Articles". It is a database that tries to list every item that was ever created for Talisman, together with as much interesting information as possible.
The ULTRA currently contains entries for 2550 cards, 623 official and 1927 unofficial ones. They are divided into 31 decks and belong to 33 different types.
Additional entries are present for 165 characters.
The items listed in the ULTRA belong to 45 expansions apart from the Talisman base set. They have been created by 124 people from 103 cities in 23 different countries.
2005-01-15 - Yes, the list hasn't been updated in quite a long time by now ... maybe one day I'll find the time again to work on it.
Last modified: February 05 2006 00:01:40by Thorsten Thielen <webmaster {a}> - URL of this page: ultra.htm |