You are standing on a small opening in a large park which, if you
remember right, is called the "Park of Boardgames". The grove is surrounded
by hedges with archways leading off in several directions. In the middle of
the opening there is standing a column with a strange triangular sculpture
on top and an inscription on the shaft:
"This site is dedicated to the classic fantasy boardgame
Talisman from Games
Workshop. You may find all kinds of interesting expansions here,
including new adventure cards, new spells, new characters and additional
rules suggestions. Have fun wandering around! - Thorsten"
On one side of this place there is a bench, that invites you to
sit down and rest a while. On the bench you see lying a little booklet
titled "A short introduction to Talisman".

- June 09, 2004
- Yes, I've not been able to update this pages for quite some time.
I'm still interested in Talisman though and will probably do some more
work someday in the future.
The only other news is that I've "disguised" my e-Mail address on all
of the pages to avoid spam. Sad that having to do such a sh*t has
really become necessary :-(
- August 13, 2003
- Moved my pages from the old location www.talisman.ipcon.de to their new location
under talisman.c2226.de. Please adjust all your links and bookmarks! Note that the
Talisman Link Database is
already updated, so everybody using this free service will already have the correct
address! :-)
- February 27, 2003
- Added the revamped Millennium and Timescape set to the card
resources page - The Timescape set now also contains my B.E.M. cards which were
originally created for the scavenger hunt initiated by Sam and which many people
might not have seen before.