Airships | Abilities | Brotherhood of the Bell | Catacombs
| Emperor's Guard | Magic Items
| Noblemen | Potions | Scrolls | Master Level Characters | Player Info Sheets | Rules
Original rules = Black
Clarifications or Changes = Green
Additions =Red
These rules do refer to additional expansion sets created by fans and
available on the net. Refer to the page of links
to find them.
The game board represents a land once ruled by a powerful wizard. The wizard is now dead, but legend has it that if anyone can make their way through the perils of the various regions, and discover the wizard's Crown of Command, they will be granted the power to become ruler of the land. It is this legend that has drawn here the various adventures, each of whom seeks the Crown.
You are one of the adventurers, and you will meet powerful enemies, discover friends, and magical objects, and meet strange beings on your journey. Finally, when you have gained sufficient power, you can cross the last and most dangerous region to secure the Crown of Command, but no matter how powerful you have become, your journey will have been in vain unless you have first found the TALISMAN!
There are many methods of choosing which character to play. Use a method all players agree upon. The simplest being... Shuffle the Character Cards and deal one, face down to each player.
Each player takes the Playing Piece Card corresponding to their Character Card (no one may choose to be the Emperor’s Guard!) and fits it into a plastic base. The Playing Pieces are then placed on the Board according to the Starting Space on their Character Cards.
Each Player receives Strength Counters equal to the Starting Strength Quota of their Character. These are placed alongside the Character Card where it says "Strength." The same is done for "Craft". Each Player then receives 4 Lives and 1 Gold which are also placed alongside the Character Card where indicated. The remaining Counters are placed to one side as stock for use during the game.
Shuffle all Cards Stockpiles. Do not combine these Stockpiles. Place them separately (sorted by the differing backs) beside the playing area ready to play.
Any player whose Character starts the game with any Spells, Scrolls or Equipment as detailed by their Special Abilities, now draws the designated number of cards from the proper Stockpile.
Talisman Cards, Alignment Cards, Warrant Cards, Loan Cards, Toad Cards, Purchase Cards and Timescape Purchase Cards are placed beside the main Board as well.
Note: Your game may not have the entire card sets indicated if you are not playing with all Talisman Expansion Sets. Simply ignore the rules pertaining to any card sets or expansions sets not used.
Decide by any means necessary, who shall play first. Agree as to additional Characters, should the first die quickly.
Agree on any Optional Rules.
Note: Whenever these rules refer to "die", they refer to either a 4 Sided (D4), 6 Sided (D6), 8 Sided (D8), or 10 sided (D10) die. Should you find a notation such as 2D6+3, for example this means to Roll Two 6 Sided Die and then Add 3 to the Result.
For purposes of these rules, the term "Turn" refers to one individual Player’s movement, encounter, combat and end. The term "Round" refers to a full round of turns around the table. For example, if there are four players, a Round will last four turns. If there are five players, a round will last five turns, and so on.
Each Player will control a different Character. Each Character has Special Abilities that can be used during the Game. The Characters Move around the Board, usually by the roll of a die, but sometimes by the use of a Spell, Scroll or as the result of strange beings and places that they have discovered. Having Moved, Characters can then encounter another Character in the space they land in or follow the instructions on the space. The instructions are often to draw one or more cards. These are the Adventure Cards, which depict all the Objects, Monsters, and other things that the Character meets in the Space. Characters then fight the Monsters, and take the treasures they discover. Gradually they will become more powerful, until they feel they are strong enough to head for the center of the Board to try and reach the Crown of Command Space.
Play is quite straightforward. The rules must be read carefully since with the different Spells, Scrolls, Adventure Cards, Special Abilities and the like, there is a great variety of instances to be encountered. The rules are presented roughly in the sequence that they will be needed during play.
The object of the game is to reach the Crown of Command Space in the Center of the Board. Once there uncover what treasure awaits, by drawing an Ending Card and meeting the requirements pertaining to that particular Ending, to Win, OR by defeating all other Player’s in the game.
Strength represents a Character's Strength, stamina and fighting ability, including their party size. It is used in Combat and to overcome certain obstacles that may be Encountered. A Character's Strength is recorded by placing appropriate (Red) Strength Counters beside the Character Card.
Strength Counters are only taken for Starting Strength and for Strength points gained. Strength gained from Objects, Magic Objects, Magic Items, or Followers is not usually recorded by Counters but added up whenever appropriate. However, many players find it easier to place Strength Counters on the appropriate cards for reference.
When a Character is required to lose Strength Counters are removed accordingly. Should a Character's Strength drop to 0, the Character must lose 1 Life and may then draw enough Counters to bring their total Strength back up to the Starting Quota.
A Character may Gain Strength by "cashing in" any Animals, Monsters, and Dragons killed in Combat. Whenever any of these are encountered and killed, the Character may keep those Enemy Cards. These are the only cards that may be kept to exchange for Strength. They may be exchanged at any time for more Strength Counters. The Character Gains 1 Strength point for every 7 points of Strength marked on the Enemy cards. Enemy Cards exchanged are then placed on the discard pile. Excess Strength points of the Enemies above any multiple of 7 are lost.
Strength points may also be Gained as a result of Encounters.
A Character's Strength at any time is the total of Strength Counters PLUS any Strength Gained from Followers, Magic Objects, Magic Items, and Objects used at the time, and any possible Spells cast or Scrolls read.
The Warrior has a total of 5 Strength Counters, the Magic Belt (a Magic Object which increases Strength by 1), the Unicorn (a Follower which increases Strength by 1) and a Sword (an Object which increases Strength by 1 when used in Combat). Therefore, his total Strength is 7 (5 plus 1 for the Unicorn and 1 for the Magic Belt). In Combat, however, his Strength would be 8 since he can then use the Sword. Further, should he land on the Cursed Glade where Strength points Gained from Objects and Magic Objects cannot be counted, his Strength would then be 6 (5 plus 1 for the Unicorn), even in Combat.
Craft covers such things as intelligence, skill and magic ability. It is a Character's main asset in Psychic Combat and determines how many Spells he may have. A Character's Craft is recorded by placing appropriate (Blue) Craft Counters beside the Character Card.
Craft Counters are only taken for Starting Craft and for Craft points Gained. Craft Gained from Objects, Magic Objects, Magic Items, or Followers is not usually recorded by Counters but added up whenever appropriate. However, many players find it easier to place Craft Counters on the appropriate cards for reference.
When a Character is required to lose Craft, Counters are removed accordingly. Should a Character's Craft drop to 0, the Character must lose 1 Life and may then draw enough Counters to bring their total Craft back up to the Starting Quota.
A Character may Gain Craft by "cashing in" any Spirits or Monsters killed in Psychic Combat. Whenever any of these are Encountered and killed, the Character may keep those Enemy Cards. These are the only cards, which may be kept to exchange for Craft. They may be exchanged at any time for more Craft Counters. The Character Gains 1 Craft point for every 10 points of Craft marked on the Enemy cards. Enemy Cards exchanged are then placed on the discard pile. Excess Craft points of the Enemies above any multiple of 10 are lost.
Craft points may also be Gained as a result of Encounters.
A Character's Craft at any time is the total of Craft Counters PLUS any Craft Gained from Followers, Magic Objects, Magic Items, and Objects used at the time, and any possible Spells cast or Scrolls read.
A Wizard with a Craft of 5 has Solomon's Crown (a Magic Object which increases Craft by 2). Therefore, his Craft is 7. This allows him 3 Spells, which he has acquired. He now lands on the Cursed Glade where he cannot count Craft Gained from Magic Objects. His Craft drops to 5 while he is there. He is allowed only 2 Spells, so he must immediately discard one. As soon as he leaves the Cursed Glade, he can count the Craft Gained from Solomon's Crown. He may then have 3 Spells if he can acquire another.
The number of Spells that any Character can have at one time is limited by the Character's Total Craft as follows:
Character’s Total Craft |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9+ |
Maximum Spells Allowed |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
Any Character may have Spells, unless their Special Abilities deny this. Only those Characters whose Special Abilities allow them to start the game with Spells may do so. Otherwise, Spells are acquired through Encounters, such as purchasing them at the Magic Emporium in the Talisman City or elsewhere.
If at any time a Character has more Spells than his Craft allows, the surplus Spells must be discarded. See the example above. They may not be cast! The player may choose which Spell(s) to discard.
Gold allows the Character to Purchase Objects and pay for services. A Character's wealth is recorded by placing Bags of Gold Counters (YELLOW) beside the Character Card. Each Counter represents 1 Bag of Gold.
Gold is usually attained by Encounters, but can also be had by many other means.
Each Character begins the Game with 1 Gold.
All prices are given in Bags of Gold. Thus "3G" is Three Bags of Gold.
Payments for any item Purchased or Service Rendered is made into the remaining Stock of Counters.
Any Gold received from any source other than another player is taken from the unused Stock of Gold Counters.
Gold does not count with regard to number of Objects a Character may Carry.
Lives represent a Characters’ durability. A Character's Lives are recorded by placing appropriate (Green) Life Counters beside the Character Card.
Each Character begins the game with 4 Lives.
When a Character is required to lose Lives, counters are removed accordingly.
Any Characters that lose all their Lives are DEAD! The Playing Piece is removed from the Board. All the Character's Objects, Magic Objects, Followers, Scrolls, Magic Items and Gold are placed on the Space where the Character died. Killed Enemies saved for more Strength or Craft are discarded. All the Character's Strength and Craft Counters are returned to their sock. Spell cards are discarded. The Character Card is returned to the remaining stock. The Player whose Character has just died may, if all players have agreed, begin again NEXT TURN with a new Character.
Lives can be Gained as the result of an Encounter. This, however, is not to be confused with Healing. Lives Gained are taken from stock.
There is no limit to the number of Lives a Character may have.
A Character who is healed may take the appropriate number of counters from the stock. Healing can never restore a Character to more than 4 Lives.
Anything belonging to any Character is considered a Possession. Possessions are acquired through Encounters, Purchasing, Trading and several other means.
All Possessions, except Spells and Scrolls, must be kept face up on or near the Character Card.
No Character may possess an Object they are not permitted to use. It must be left face up on the Space where it was Encountered.
The Assassin discovers the Holy Lance (a Magic Object), which can only be used by Good or Neutral Characters. He cannot use it because he is of Evil Alignment. He must leave it face up on the Space where he Encountered it.
No Character may "Carry" more than 4 Objects and Items, not counting Gold, Spells, Scrolls, Killed enemies, or Warrants. These 4 Objects must be placed directly below the Character Card under the Space listed for Objects. All other Possessions must be placed nearby.
A Character may possess more than 4 Objects or Items if they have an Object or Item, which will allow them to Carry or Possess more.
Any Object or Item dropped is left in the Space presently occupied. Any Character landing on the Space may choose to pickup the Object or Item.
Mules, Horse and Carts and the Anti-Grav platform are not counted as Objects, they are considered Articles. They may be placed beside the 4 usual Carried Objects.
A Mule may Carry no more than 4 Objects or Items. A Horse and Cart may carry no more than 8 Objects or Items. The Anti-Grav Platform may carry no more than 8 Objects or Items.
Logically speaking, Articles cannot Carry other Articles, for instance.
A. A Mule cannot Carry another Mule or a Horse and etc.
B. A Horse and Cart cannot Carry a Warhorse or a Mule and etc.
C. Use logic and reason when Carrying any and all Possessions.
Characters may drop any Possession at any time by leaving it face up on the Space they occupy. If a Character carrying 4 Objects wishes to pickup another, he must first drop one.
All Objects and Items must be placed so that all players can readily tell which are Carried and which are Belongings.
The Wizard has a Mule and eight other Objects. Four Objects are placed below the Character Card and the other four are placed under the Mule card, which is beside the Character card. The Wizard wishes to use one of the Objects carried by the Mule, so he must exchange cards. One of his four carried Objects must now be placed under the Mule card.
A player may exchange Possessions carried with Possessions transported. The player must state what they are doing and when.
These are powerful items aligned to each Character and Master Level Character. These Items empower the proper owner with greater Abilities and any owner with other simpler Abilities.
Magic Items are Talismans for their aligned owner.
Followers are creatures and people who will join your Character in their quest. They will usually enhance your Character's Strength, Craft, or Abilities.
Followers usually acquired through Encounters, or Trading, or some Special Abilities.
All Followers must be kept face up.
A Character may have any number of Followers.
Any Followers that are killed must be discarded.
Each Character has an Alignment, Good, Neutral or Evil. There are benefits and penalties to each. Alignment may change during play as the result of Encounters, Spells cast, Scrolls read or Special Abilities.
When a Character changes Alignment, take an Alignment Card and place it beside the Character Card with the appropriate side face up. When a Character reverts to their original Alignment, discard the Alignment Card.
No Character, especially the Druid, may choose to change Alignment more than once per turn.
If a Character possesses any Magic Object or Magic Item not permitted by their new alignment, that Object or Item must be dropped immediately.
Each Character has one or more Special Abilities, which are detailed on the Character Card along with any restrictions of that Character.
Special Abilities may be gained during certain Encounters.
Any instances where the Special Abilities are at conflict with the rules, the Special Ability overrides the rules!
Abilities are usually Gained as the result of Encounters, however they may also be purchased. If a character is allowed to purchase a Spell or Scroll, they may pay an additional Gold and draw an Ability.
When an Ability is Gained, or purchased, it is taken from the top of the Ability Stock pile. When the Stockpile is exhausted, shuffle the discard pile and turn it face down to start a new Stockpile.
Each player must note any exception to his or her particular Character as outlined here.
Any Character may attempt to Tame any Enemy-Animal they Encounter. Roll 2D6 and add the Animals' Strength, if the result is less than your Craft you succeed and may take the Animal as a Follower. The Animal will add 1 to your Strength. CAUTION: If you lose any Combat in which a tamed Animal is used, the Animal is killed as well as your loss of Life.
Any Character whose Craft is greater than their Strength may attempt to cast "Dispel Magic." Roll 2D6, if the result is less than your Craft you succeed. Dispel Magic will only work on permanent Spells/Scrolls or other afflictions in the game.
If a Player becomes Entitled by encountering Entitlement or casting a Spell or Reading a Scroll, they may take a Title card chosen at Random and begin using any Special Abilities pertaining thereto. Immediately place the corresponding Realm on any unoccupied, non-permanent location (Chapel, Tavern, etc.) space.
Whenever any Player, other than the owner lands on or passes over a Realm, a tithing must be left behind. A tithing may consist of 1 Gold or any Object, Magic Object, Magic Item or anything else agree upon by the Realm Owner and the Player.
Collecting Tithings
Realm owners (Nobles) may not collect tithings placed on their Realms until they land on or pass over their Realms.
Corrections/Additions/Deletions to the Existing Characters.
All Characters are considered Medium sized unless noted below
Amazon (L) |
Large Characters must roll a D4 for Movement in the Dungeon. You may not use your Special Movement in the Dungeon. You do not roll two dice for Movement. |
Archeologist |
You may not keep Enemies killed by your Pistol for Strength. If you Encounter the Patrol, they will send you to the City Gate. |
Astronaut |
If you Encounter the Patrol they will send you to the City Gate. Due to your Space Suit, you do not Lose a Life in the Desert. |
Astropath |
You may begin the game with either a Spell or a Scroll. If you Encounter the Patrol, they will send you to the Warlock's Cave. |
Assassin |
You may not Assassinate the Guard in the Guard Room of the Dungeon. |
Barbarian (L) |
Large Characters must roll a D4 for Movement in the Dungeon. You may take the Berserker as a Follower, who will add his Strength to yours. You may choose to go Berserk in Combat. You may add 3 to your Strength while Berserk, but you must lose your next turn to recover your wits. |
Centaur (L) |
Large Characters must roll a D4 for Movement in the Dungeon. You may not use your Special Movement in the Dungeon. You may not fire your Bow in the Dungeon. |
Chainsaw Warrior |
If you roll a 6 in Combat with another Character, your Chainsword has cut their weapon in half. They must discard. If you Encounter the Patrol they will send you to the City Gate. |
Conjurer |
You also begin the game with a Scroll. Each time you visit the Magic Emporium, without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Cyborg |
If you Encounter the Patrol they will fight you with a Strength of 6. If you win, you may keep the card for additional Strength. If you lose, you Lose a Life. The Patrol is then discarded. |
Dark Elf |
You may begin the game with either a Spell or a Scroll. Each time you visit the Magic Emporium without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Dragonrider |
You may not Tame Dragons. |
Dragon Priest |
Each time you visit the Alter of Dread or the Sacrificial Stone without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Dragon Slayer (S) |
A Small Character who Tames an Animal may ride the Animal just like a Horse. You may Evade Enemies, except Dragons, in the Dungeon. |
Druid |
You may begin the game with either a Spell or a Scroll. Each time you visit the Ruins without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Dwarf (S) |
A Small Character who Tames an Animal may ride the Animal just like a Horse. You may Evade Enemies in the Dungeon. |
Elf |
No exceptions or changes. |
Ghoul (L) |
Large Characters must roll a D4 for Movement in the Dungeon. Each time you visit the Graveyard without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll, you may not Encounter the Graveyard. |
Gladiator |
You may train the Errand Boy and the Urchins, but they will not leave the City. If they are with you and you leave the City, discard them. |
Gypsy |
You may begin the game with either a Spell or a Scroll. If you have no Scroll and another Character discards one, you may claim it for yourself. |
Halfling (S) |
A Small Character who Tames an Animal may ride the Animal just like a Horse. |
Highlander |
If you have a Warhorse and you Charge into battle, you may roll a D4 along with your usual die and add the total for your Combat Score. |
Hobgoblin |
No exceptions or changes. |
Inquisitor |
You begin the game with either a Spell or a Scroll. You may not imprison other Characters while you are in the Dungeon. |
Knight |
Each time you visit the High Temple without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Leprechaun (S) |
A Small Character who Tames an Animal may ride the Animal just like a Horse. You may begin the game with two Spells or Scrolls, or one of each. You may Teleport whenever you roll a 4 for Movement. You may not Teleport while in the Dungeon. You may Teleport into and out of any Space in the City if you are in the Outer Region. |
Martial Artist |
You may not use a Killer Blow against the Guard in the Guard Room of the Dungeon. |
Merchant |
You may also Trade with the Peddler. The Urchin and the Errand Boy will follow you out of the City. While in the City you may negotiate any price. Roll your Craft or under on two dice to do so. If you succeed you may pay 1 less Gold than the posted price. You may use this Ability only once each turn. |
Minotaur (L) |
Large Characters must roll a D4 for Movement in the Dungeon. |
Minstrel |
Each time you visit the 6 Fates Inn without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. If the City is not in play then you may visit the Tavern and Gain a Scroll. |
Monk |
Each time you visit the High Temple without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Necromancer |
Each time you visit the Graveyard without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Ninja |
You must Encounter all Spaces while in the Dungeon, and you may not Evade Enemies, unless you have a Torch. Any Sword will add 2 to your Strength for any Combat in which you use it. |
Orc |
A Wolf does not allow you additional Movement in the Dungeon. |
Philosopher |
You may only see the next Card pertaining to the Board you are on. |
Pilgrim |
You may begin the game with either a Spell or Scroll. |
Pirate |
Place 1 Gold on the each of the Doctor, Royal Castle Bank and the Castle. Anyone landing on them may take the Gold but if you reach them first, you may also take a second Gold. During play anyone who pays the Doctor must leave the Gold on that space for you to Plunder. |
Priest |
Each time you visit the High Temple without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Prophetess |
You may begin the game with either a Spell or a Scroll. At any time you may look at the Scrolls held by other players. Each time you visit the High Temple without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. You may not draw extra Cards while in the Dungeon. |
Questing Knight |
Each time you visit the High Temple without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Ranger |
No exceptions or changes. |
Rogue |
No exceptions or changes. |
Samurai |
No exceptions or changes. |
Saracen |
If you Encounter the Slaver, in the Dungeon, you may take him as a Follower, who will add 1 to your Strength. With the Slaver, you need not roll to Enslave another Character's Followers. You automatically take one whenever you encounter a Character with Followers. |
Satyr (S) |
A Small Character who Tames an Animal may ride the Animal just like a Horse. If you Panic a Character in the Dungeon, they must Flee the Dungeon. |
Scientist |
If you Encounter the Patrol, they will send you to the City Gate. Once you Gain a Scroll, you will always have one. Draw another whenever you discard your last one. |
Scout |
If you turn all three Dungeon Doorways (two on the Main Board and one in the City) up side down, you have effectively Sealed the Dungeon. Any Character in the Dungeon when Sealed must exit through the Treasure Chamber. |
Soldier |
You may replace your Helmet and Sword by simply landing on the City Gate, you need not enter the City. You may bribe (1G) your way out of any Encounter with the Law. |
Sorceress |
You may begin the game with either a Spell or Scroll. |
Space Marine |
No exceptions. |
Space Pirate |
If you Encounter the Patrol they will send you to the Tavern. |
Sprite (S) |
A Small Character who Tames an Animal may ride the Animal just like a Horse. You also begin the game with a Scroll. Each time you visit the Magic Emporium, without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Spy |
You may also know any Scrolls held by other players, they must show you when you ask. |
Swashbuckler |
No exceptions. |
Swordsman |
If you have a Two-handed Sword, you may add 3 to your Strength for any Combat in which you use it. |
Thief |
You may attempt to steal in any Building of the City (except the High Temple and the Royal Castle). You may also attempt to Steal in the Space Fortress. Roll a die: 1): Caught and sent to the Donjon or Sentinel Outpost. 2): You fail, but are not seen. 3-4): You steal 1 Gold. 5): You steal 2 Gold 6): If you are in: You Steal: Magic Emporium A Scroll Enchantress A Scroll Doctor's 1 Gold Stables A Mule Armory Choice of Armory list Anarchists Guild 3 Gold Six Fates Inn 3 Gold Bank 3 Gold Apothecary A Potion Space Fortress Random Timescape Purchase Object |
Troll (L) |
Large Characters must roll a D4 for Movement in the Dungeon. |
Valkyrie |
Any time you visit the High Temple without a Scroll you Gain a Scroll. |
Warrior |
You may not use two weapons while in the Dungeon. |
Witch Doctor |
You begin the game with either a Spell or a Scroll. If you Curse a Character in the Dungeon, they must Flee, then go to the Chapel before they may continue their quest. |
Wizard |
You may begin the Game with either 2 Spells or a Spell and a Scroll (you may not choose two Scrolls.) Each time you visit the Magic Emporium without a Scroll, you Gain a Scroll. |
Woodsman (L) |
Large Characters must roll a D4 for Movement in the Dungeon. |
Zulu (L) |
Large Characters must roll a D4 for Movement in the Dungeon. If you Rout a Character in the Dungeon, you may Move them in either direction. On their next turn they must still Move toward the Entrance Space. |
Master Level Characters allow Characters to Gain additional Special Abilities.
When a player gains a Master Level title, take the appropriate Character Card and Playing Piece.
Characters retain all Strength, Craft, Gold, Lives, Possessions and Followers, with certain exceptions, when becoming a Master Level Character.
Certain Master Levels may be Resigned at any time simply by returning the Character Card to the Stockpile, removing any additional Strength or Craft allowed, and returning the Playing Piece.
Champion of Chaos
If the Champion of Chaos is to be used, shuffle the Champion of Chaos Adventure Card into the deck. When drawn the player must become the Champion of Chaos. Take the Champion of Chaos Character Card. See the Master Level Character Card for more Special Abilities. However, this Evil corruption will only remain for 10 turns, after which the Character Card must be returned to the Stockpile.
If the Herald is to be used, shuffle the Noble Adventure Card into the deck. When drawn the player may become the Herald. Take the Herald Character Card. See the Master Level Character Card for more Special Abilities. The Herald may be resigned at any time.
High Mage
To become the High Mage, a Character must enter the Magic Emporium in the Talisman City, offer any number of Magic Objects or Items and roll a D8. On a 9 the power of the High Mage is bestowed. For each Magic Objector Items offered the Character may add 1 to their die roll. See the Master Level Character Card for more Special Abilities. The High Mage may be resigned at any time.
King's Champion
To become the King's Champion a player must draw a Beggar City Card, donate a gold, and roll a die. See the specific card for details. If the proper number is rolled, take the King's Champion Master Level Card. See the Master Level Character Card for more Special Abilities. The King's Champion may be resigned at anytime.
Master Thief
To become the Master Thief, one must Encounter the Master Thief in the Talisman City and defeat him in Combat. See the Master Level Character Card for more Special Abilities. The Master Thief may be resigned at any time.
Mirror Image
If the Mirror Image is to be used, shuffle the Mirror Event card into the Adventure deck. When drawn the Player may choose to pass through and develop two distinctive Characters. Create a second character with opposite numbers as the original. For example: if the original had Strength 3 and Craft 4, the copy would have Strength 4 and Craft 3. When rolling for Movement, the player may move either Character. The Original and Copy may trade with one another whenever they encounter one another. The Mirror effect will only last for 10 Rounds of play. At the end of the 10th turn the player must choose which Character to continue and discard the other.
If the Mystic is to be used, shuffle the Way of the Lotus Spell into the Spell Deck. When cast, the Player will become the Mystic. All Possessions, Gold, and Followers Gained by the Mystic become the property of the Original Character. See the Master Level Character Card for other Special Abilities. Note, you must think of the Mystic as two Characters. The Mystic Character has all the Craft, except one and the original Character has all the Strength, except one. The Mystic Character may only use Magic Objects and Magic Items. The Original Character may only use Non-Magic Objects and other possessions. The Mystic may only pick up an Object to transport it back to the Original Character. Whenever the Mystic rejoins with the original Character, this is an entire turn! That is all that may be done for that turn. The Mystic may be resigned at any time.
To become the Sheriff, enter the Royal Castle in the Talisman City and roll a die. You may add your Strength to your die roll. See the result chart on the City Board. See the Master Level Character Card for more Special Abilities. The Sheriff may not be resigned.
The Templar
If the Templar is to be used, shuffle the Recruiter Card into the deck. When drawn, the player has the option to become the Templar. If there is a Templar already in the game, discard and choose another Adventure card. See the Master Level Character Card for other Special Abilities. The Templar may be resigned at any time.
Warrior of Chaos
If the Warrior of Chaos is to be used, shuffle the Call of Chaos Card into the deck. When drawn, the player has the option to become the Warrior of Chaos. This Master Level Character adds 4 to the Characters Strength and 2 to the Craft. See the Master Level Character Card for more Special Abilities. However, this Evil corruption will only remain for 10 turns, after which the Character Card must be returned to the Stockpile and the Warrior Adventure card RE-SHUFFLED into the deck.
The effect of each Spell, and when it may be cast, is detailed on the individual Spell Card.
Any Character may have Spells if their Craft allows.
All Spells may be kept face down so as not to be seen by other players.
Spells may not be discarded until cast, unless the Character has more Spells than their Craft allows.
Spells are usually Gained as the result of Encounters, however they may also be purchased at the Magic Emporium in the Talisman City and attained other ways as well. Some Characters begin the game with Spells as stated in their Special Abilities.
When a Spell is Gained, or purchased, it is taken from the top of the Spell Stock pile. When the Stockpile is exhausted, shuffle the discard pile and turn it face down to start a new Stockpile.
A Spell may only be cast as stated on the Spell Card. Once cast, and its effect ended, the card is usually placed on the Spell discard pile, however, there are a few Spells, which are placed elsewhere.
Spells, which affect other players, affect them wherever they are on the Board. Spells, which can affect creatures, can only affect those in the Outer and Middle Regions.
The effect of each Scroll, and when it may be read, is detailed on the individual Scroll Card.
Any Character may have any number of Scrolls. Scrolls do not count toward Encumbrance.
All Scrolls may be kept face down so as not to be seen by other players.
Scrolls are usually Gained as the result of Encounters, however they may also be purchased at the Magic Emporium in the Talisman City and attained other ways as well. Some Characters begin the game with Scrolls as stated in their Special Abilities.
When a Scroll is Gained, or purchased, it is taken from the top of the Scroll Stockpile. When the Stockpile is exhausted, shuffle the discard pile and turn it face down to start a new Stockpile.
A Scroll may only be read as stated on the Scroll Card. Once read, and its effect ended, the card is placed on the Scroll discard pile.
Scrolls, which affect other players, affect them wherever they are on the Board. Scrolls, which can affect creatures, can only affect those in the Outer and Middle Regions.
Each Character's turn consists of two parts in this order:
I. Movement
II. Encounters
When a player's turn ends, play passes to the player on the left.
The player rolls a die to determine how many Spaces they must Move.
Characters use different sizes of die for Movement and Combat. Small Characters are denoted by (S), and Large Characters are denoted by (L). Small Characters use a D4 for Movement and Combat, or Psychic Combat. Medium Characters use a D6, and Large Characters use a D8. To determine each Character size, see the section on Exceptions to Special Abilities.
Certain Spells, Scrolls, Special Abilities, and other events may allow a Character to Move without rolling a die. These instances are detailed on the relevant Cards. The Character must then Move the full number of Spaces shown on the die, however, he may Move either clockwise or counter clockwise.
Direction may not be reversed during Movement except when passing between the Outer and Middle Regions, or to and from the Far-Outer Region.
Do not roll a die for Movement. Characters Move only 1 Space per turn.
The Encounter instructions on each Space must be completed before a Character may Move on.
A Character may decide at any time to Move back towards the Plain of Peril. Movement is still 1 Space per Turn, but the instructions are ignored when Retreating.
The Valley of Fire may only be entered by a Character possessing a Talisman. If a Character does not possess one, he must Retreat.
When on the Crown of Command Space a Character does not Move unless he wishes to Retreat or unless he is instructed to do so by an Encounter.
A bridge connects the Sentinel Space to the Hills Space opposite.
The Storm River may only be crossed by Raft or as the result of some other Encounter.
Characters may cross the bridge in either direction if their die roll for Movement is sufficient.
The Sentinel will attack a Character each time they attempt to cross the bridge to enter the Middle Region. The Character must defeat the Sentinel in Combat or Evade to be allowed to pass.
Characters defeating or Evading the Sentinel may continue their Move by entering the Middle Region. Characters defeated by the Sentinel lose 1 Life and must end their Move on the Sentinel Space. Characters in a standoff with the Sentinel do not lose a Life but must end their Move in the Sentinel Space and may not continue on.
The Sentinel will not attack Characters who pass through the Sentinel Space while Moving in the Outer Region. Nor will The Sentinel attack Characters crossing from the Middle Region to the Outer Region or Characters who end their Move on the Sentinel Space.
When passing from one Region to another, Characters may change the direction of their Move on entering the new Region.
The Thief is on the Graveyard and tolls a 6 for his Move. He decides to Move clockwise to the Sentinel Space to cross to the Middle Region. On reaching the Sentinel Space he is attacked by the Sentinel. However, he casts an Immobility Spell on the Sentinel, thus Evading him. He now Moves on to the Hills in the Middle Region and decides to continue his Move counterclockwise ending his Move on the Portal of Power.
Any Character wishing to cross the Storm River by Raft must either build one or acquire one as the result of an Encounter.
Any Character, who possesses an Axe and ends their turn in a Woods or Forest Space, may declare they are building a Raft to use for Movement.
Any Character acquiring a Raft may cross the River at the start of their next turn.
A Character with a Raft may cross the River to any Space directly opposite the one they are in. This is their Move for that turn, they do not roll for Movement.
A Raft may not be left behind or taken as a possession. Whether or not it is used, it must be placed on the Adventure Card discard pile or back with the Purchase Cards, if it was bought.
The Portal of Power connects the Portal of Power Space to the Plain of Peril Space.
On the Main Board, the Inner Region and the Wizard’s Tower can only be reached through the Portal of Power. However, it is possible to reach The Inner Region from other places, too.
Characters must try to open the Portal each time they attempt to enter the Inner Region from the Main Board OR they must try to open the Door to the Wizard’s Tower.
Characters may try to open the Portal or Door only if their die roll for Movement is sufficient to carry them beyond. If not, they must wait until their next turn to try the Portal or the Door.
Characters attempting to open the Portal or Door follow the instructions on the Portal of Power Space or the Door Space. If successful the Character's turn ends on the Plain of Peril Space or the Antechamber Space. If unsuccessful, the Character's Move ends on the Portal of Power Space, and that Character's turn immediately ends.
Characters wishing to pass through the Portal from the Inner Region to the Middle Region do not need to open the Portal. They simply Move from the Plain of Peril to the Portal of Power. This is their entire Move for that turn.
The Wizard's Tower can only be entered through the DOOR.
Characters entering the Wizard's Tower must end their move on the DOOR space.
Mules, Horses, Horses and Carts, and Warhorses cannot enter the Wizards Tower. They must be left at the Portal of Power. Any Objects, Magic Objects, or Magic Items that must be dropped because of this also remain in the Portal of Power.
Characters wishing to pass from the Wizard's Tower to the Middle Region do not need to stop at the Door. They simply Move from the Antechamber to the Portal Space. This is their Move for that Turn.
The die is not rolled for Movement. Characters Move only 1 space per Turn.
The Encounter instructions for each Space must be completed before a Character can Move on.
Turning Back and Retreating
A Character may decide at any time to Move back towards the Portal of Power. A Character defeated by the Dragon Prince MUST move back towards the Portal of Power and leave the Tower. Movement is still 1 Space per Turn but the instructions for Encounters are ignored when retreating.
A Character may Encounter another Character in the Wizard’s Tower, however, no Magic Object, Magic Item, Spells or Scrolls will work.
A Gargoyle guards the entrance to the Wizard's Tower. To continue onward you must defeat it in combat. Roll 3 dice and add 4 to determine its Strength (3D6+4).
In this room, you encounter Death. Death rolls 2 dice and you roll 2 dice. If you win, you may continue. If you lose or draw, you lose 1 Life and must Retreat from the Tower.
For each Possession you or your Followers carry, roll a die. On 1-2, the item is discarded.
You escape the trap but your Followers aren't so lucky. Roll 1 die on a 1-2 that Follower is lost.
The Dragon Prince is S=15, C=15. Fight him in Combat or Psychic Combat (your choice). If you lose or draw, you must leave the tower. If you win, you may continue on your next turn.
Characters, Magical Objects, Magical Items and/or Followers that automatically defeat dragons do not affect the Dragon Prince. However, Objects and Items that give bonuses against dragons do (e.g. the Holy Lance does add 3 to the Strength of its user when fighting the Dragon Prince).
Move to the Crown of Command Space in the Inner Region.
A Character may only Encounter another Character on the Plain of Peril and the Valley of Fire. On all other Spaces, the Encounter is detailed in the instructions for the Space. The instructions must be followed unless the Character is Retreating.
None of the Encountered Creatures in the Inner Region can be affected by any Spell, nor may they be Evaded.
The crypt is in ruins and a Character needs Strength to shift the rubble to discover the various exit tunnels. A Character must roll 3D6 on entering the Space and the results totaled. The Character's Strength is subtracted from this total. The result determines where the Character will emerge from the Crypt. The Playing piece is immediately Moved there. This counts as that player’s Move. A Character must emerge on the Crypt to continue in the Inner Region his next turn.
The Mines are in ruins and a Character needs Craft to guide himself through the rubble to discover the various exit tunnels. A Character must r 3D6 on entering the Space and the results totaled. The Character's Craft is subtracted from this total. The result determines where the Character will emerge from the Mines. The Playing piece is immediately Moved there. This counts as that player’s Move. A Character must emerge on the Mines to continue in the Inner Region his next turn.
The die is rolled for a Werewolf's Strength and 8 is added (D6+8) each time any Character enters the Space. The Werewolf then attacks the Character. Each Character Encounters a different Werewolf.
The die is rolled each time a Character enters the Space. This is the number of Pit Fiends that attack the Character. The Character must fight them one at a time, in succession, until the Character loses a Life whereupon the Turn ends. The Character must then continue to fight the remainder next turn. The Character may only Move on the next turn after the last Pit Fiend is killed.
The first Character who enters the Crown of Command Space must draw a card from the Alternative Endings deck.
Alternative Endings
The Crown of Command
If you are alone, you must cast 1 Command Spell per turn. Roll 1 die and indicate a victim. If 4 - 6, victim must admit defeat or lose 1 Life. 1 - 3 is no effect. If you are not alone, you must Encounter any other Character on the Space.
The Demon Lord
A huge malevolent Demon Lord has claimed this Space. You must defeat the Spirit in Psychic Combat to win the game. The Demon Lord has a Craft of 12 and 4 Lives. To defeat him you must take all his lives. You may choose to flee from the Demon Lord at any time, in which case you return to the Plain of Peril and the Demon Lord retains all his lives. While you are fighting, the Demon Lord has created an impenetrable mystic barrier preventing any other player from entering the Valley of Fire. Any Character already on the Valley of Fire is teleported to a random location. Roll on this chart:
1. Warp Gate, Talisman Timescape
2. Torture Chamber Talisman Dungeon
3. Magic Emporium, Talisman City
4. Portal of Power
5. Graveyard
6. Cursed Glade
7. Oasis
8. Castle
If you are killed, the Demon Lord regains his Lives and awaits the next challenger.
Pandora's Box
Carefully open the Box. Roll a D8:
1) THE ARENA: All Characters are transported to The Arena to determine a Champion. All are immediately raised/reduced to 2 Lives. Each Character must fight a minimum of one Combat and one Psychic Combat to be determined the winner. All Magic Objects, Magic Items, Spells and Scrolls are discarded. This is Mano-a-Mano - Die Roll to Die Roll. Consider this a Double Elimination Tournament. The Character opening the Box may choose his/her opponent first, and which attribute will be used, Strength or Craft. After which, Winners fight Winners, losers fight losers etc until there is only one left!
2) FINDER'S KEEPERS: You may look through the discards of all Stockpiles and claim any Objects, Magic Objects and Magic Items, you must observe the rules of Encumbrance as you do so. Each turn you then may Teleport to any Space on any Board to Encounter the other Characters. You must take all Lives from all other Characters to Win the Game. It is possible for another Character to win the Game before you finish your Quest.
3) PERILS OF PANDORA: Immediately and on each turn hereafter, you have the power to Teleport any other Character to Encounter another Character. You then force them into Combat, or Psychic Combat, if their abilities allow. They are compelled to fight until only one is left. Once there is only one other Character and yourself, you may then Teleport to that Character and fight him to the Finish.
4) THE QUEST OF A LIFETIME: You will win the game if you go on a Quest. You must visit (land on and Encounter) Thirteen locations in order. The Monastery or Pure Good, The Graveyard, the Anarchist's Guild, the Guard Room, the Space Fortress, Endless Sea, The Magic Emporium, the Tavern, the Castle (if razed then visit the Royal Castle), the Oasis, the Village, the High Temple & the Crown of Command!
5) BRING ME THE HEAD OF THE HYDRA: You will win the game if you can return with Seven (7) Dragon carcasses. You may not exchange them for Strength. They must be with you when you return here.
6) THE ARENA, REVISITED: All Characters are transported to The Arena to determine a Champion. All are immediately raised/reduced to 2 Lives. Each Character must fight a minimum of one Combat and one Psychic Combat to be determined the winner. All Magic Objects, Magic Items, Spells and Scrolls are allowed! Consider this a Double Elimination Tournament. The Character opening the Box may choose his/her opponent first, and which attribute will be used, Strength or Craft. After which, Winners fight Winners, losers fight losers etc until there is only one left!
7) ASHES TO ASHES: You will win the game if you can return after killing one character. That is you must go out an take l life from any Character in the game then return here.
8) RAISE THE RABBLE TO VICTORY: You will win the game if you can return here with a minimum of twelve (12) Followers. They will carry you upon their shoulders whilst singing your praises.
The Lord of Chaos
Roll a D6:
1) GOOD WINS / EVIL LOSES: If you are of Good Alignment, you have Won the Game! If you are of Evil Alignment, you have Lost the Game! If you are Neutral Alignment, you must go to the Chapel and discard all Possessions except Followers, then return here to Win the Game.
2) EVIL WINS / GOOD LOSES: If you are of Evil Alignment, you have Won the Game! If you are of Good Alignment, you have Lost the Game! If you are Neutral Alignment, you must go to the Graveyard and discard all Possessions except Followers, then return here to Win the Game.
3) NEUTRAL WINS / GOOD & EVIL LOSE: If you are of Neutral Alignment, you have Won the Game! If you are of Good or Evil Alignment, you Lose a Life! You must now go to the Anarchist Guild and discard all Possessions except Followers, then return here to Win the Game.
4) CHANGE IS GOOD: You must leave immediately. To win the game, you must return via a Different route than you took to get here (if you used your Strength to enter via the Crypt then you must now use your Craft to enter via the Mines, or if you entered via the Wizard’s Tower you must now find another way), or you must change Alignment, and then return to Win.
5) LET'S SEE YOU SUFFER: Roll a D6 and compare your die roll to your Alignment this will yield a Letter. Compare the Letter to the Explanation below.
Roll Good Neutral Evil
1-2 A B C
3-4 B A D
5 E F A
6 F E G
Now consult the explanations below: (If you are forced to Leave, you must go all the way to the Portal of Power before you return)
A. You lose a Life and must leave, try again!
B. You lose 2 lives and must leave, try again!
C. You lose a Life and all Possessions, try again!
D. You lose all Possessions and must leave, try again!
E. You lose 2 Lives, if you are still Alive, you Win the Game!
F. You lose 3 Lives, if you are still Alive, you Win the Game!
G. You lose 3 Lives and must leave, try again!
6) COMBAT TO WIN: Roll a D6 and note your Alignment:
Alignment |
Die Roll |
Good |
1-5 You must fight the Dragon of Chaos Strength 10, Craft 10 with 4 Lives. Each Combat changes to the other attribute. 6 You must fight the Lord of Chaos, himself! Strength 12 (+D6), Craft 12 (+D6) with 5 Lives. Each Combat changes to the other attribute. Lives lost by Characters are Gained by the Lord. |
Neutral |
1-5 You must fight the Priest of Chaos Strength 8, Craft 15 with 4 Lives. You must fight Psychic Combat. You may only use one Craft enhancing item, Object or Ability (choose at Random). 6 You must fight the Lord of Chaos, himself! Strength 12 (+D6), Craft 12 (+D6) with 5 Lives. Each Combat changes to the other attribute. Lives lost by Characters are Gained by the Lord. |
Evil |
1-5 You must fight two Battles each with the Dragon of Chaos and the Priest of Chaos (see above). You must win each battle by 3 or more, a Standoff is considered a Loss! 6 You must fight the Lord of Chaos, himself! Strength 12 (+D6), Craft 12 (+D6) with 5 Lives. Each Combat changes to the other attribute. Lives lost by Characters are Gained by the Lord. |
The Horrible Black Void
Any Character drawing this card is sucked into the Warp Gate of the Talisman Timescape. If the Timescape is not in use, the Character is sucked into a seething mass of darkness and annihilated along with all Followers, and Possessions. That Character is out of the game! Discard the Void and do not reuse for another player.
The Dragon King
This Space has been claimed by the Dragon King. He has Strength of 12+D8, a Craft of 12+D8 and 5 Lives. If you are forced to fight (see below), you must fight a Combat and a Psychic Combat simultaneously. Roll two dice, one for Combat and one for Psychic Combat. You must win both to win the round. If you lose either, you lose the round and lose a Life. You must Roll a D8:
1. |
As you enter the Space all your Followers flee in fear, discard them. The Dragon King casts a Spell destroying all your Magic Objects, and Magic items. You must now defeat the King, by yourself to win the game. Good luck! |
2. |
The Dragon King thanks you kindly for the meal, eats one of your Followers, and throws you into the Plain of Peril. If you have no Followers, The Dragon King takes a Life and throws you into the Portal of Power. Try again! |
3. |
You must fight the King's three younger brothers in Combat to win the game. Each one is Strength 9 and you must fight them in succession. If you lose one Combat, you lose a Life and are thrown into the Plain of Peril. Try again! |
4. |
You must defeat the King himself to win the game. |
5. |
The King decides he really likes you and promptly flies off to eat your opponents. Each of the other players must fight the King or be eaten. He will only attack one player at a time and he regenerates his Lives between Players. If all opponents are killed, the player on the Throne wins. |
6. |
The King calls all Dragons on the Board to his aid. All face up Dragons are placed on this Space. You must fight them all at once! If you win, you must now fight the Dragon King himself to win. |
7. |
The Dragon king is soundly asleep atop his mountainous piles of treasure. Roll under your Craft on 2D8 to assassinate the King and win the game. If you fail, the King awakes and eats one of your Followers, then throws you into the Plain of Peril. If you have no Followers, the King takes a Life and throws you into the Portal of Power. |
8. |
You are in Luck! The Dragon King is out to lunch! You take possession of all his treasures and Magic and win the game! |
Any Stranger may be visited and any Character whose Move ends on a Space, may take any Gold Counters, Magic Objects, Magic Items, Objects, and Followers in a Space at any time up to the end of their turn. EXCEPT WHEN:
There is also an Enemy Card on the Space, OR
The instructions for the Space are to draw Cards.
In these two instances, the Cards form an Encounter for that Space.
The Minstrel lands on the Desert where there are 2 Gold Counters, the Maiden (a Follower), a Water Bottle, a Sword (Objects), a Wand and a Talisman (Magic Objects) which were deposited there by the Prophetess when she was turned into a Toad. The Minstrel already has 3 Objects: Armor, an Axe and the Amulet (Magic Object). He can freely claim the Gold counters and the Maiden. Since he can only Carry 4 Objects, he must choose carefully what to take. The instructions for the Desert are to lose 1 Life unless he has a Water Bottle, so the Water Bottle could be useful, but only here. Since he started with, and still has, no Spells but has sufficient Craft to allow him some, he takes the Wand first and immediately draws a Spell. It is a Preservation Spell. A bit of good luck, as now he needn't take the Water Bottle. He now drops the Amulet by placing it face up in the Desert Space and takes the Talisman. he now has his 4 Objects; Armor, Axe, Wand, and a Talisman. He now must follow the instructions on the Space which are to lose 1 Life, but he casts the Preservation Spell to prevent this. he immediately draws a replacement Spell due to the Wand, and his Turn ends. When he Moves on his next turn, the Sword, Water Bottle and Amulet will remain face up in the Desert for the next Character who lands there.
Characters may only have Encounters in the Space in which they end their Move or a Space to which they are Moved as a result of an Encounter. They may never Encounter anything in the Space where they start their Move.
A Character must choose to Encounter either one Character of their choice who is in that Space or the Space itself, or to fire any range weapon (if they possess one) at a Character or Enemy within range.
Encountering another Character takes one of two forms. The Character whose turn it is may either attack or use any Special Ability on the other Character.
Draw Card(s) Space
A Character must follow the instructions. The Cards to be drawn are always Adventure Cards on the Main Board, Timescape Cards on the Timescape Board, Dungeon Cards on the Dungeon Board, and City Cards on the City Board. They are drawn from the Stockpile pertaining to the Board. If there are already any Cards of any type on the Space, then only enough Cards to make up the given number may be drawn. The Card(s) drawn then form the Encounter for that Space.
All Other Spaces
The Character follows the instructions for the Space. Any Enemy Cards in the Space must first be defeated or Evaded. Any Strangers or Places there may then be visited and any Gold Counters, Magic Objects, Magic Items and Followers may be taken. Some instructions must be followed; others may be followed at the Character's discretion. Read the instructions carefully!
The Sorceress is on the Temple and rolls a 2. She may therefore Move to either the Runes or the Oasis. However, there is already a Dragon face up on the Runes where the instructions are to draw 1 Card, so the Dragon will count as the Card to be drawn. The Dragon has a Strength of 7 and it will also get +2 on its Combat die roll due to the Mystic Runes. It therefore has an effective Strength of 9. Since her current Strength is 3, she will certainly lose a Life there. On the Oasis is a Hex Spell Card cast by another Character. This will also cause her to lose a Life, but since the instructions there are to draw 2 Cards, the Hex Spell will only count as one of them and she will have the opportunity to draw 1 Adventure Card to make up the total of 2 to be drawn. She then Moves to the Oasis loses a Life because of the Hex Spell and takes an Adventure Card. It turns out to be another Dragon, which will attack her.
Any Character, who loses at gambling but has no Gold to lose, must lose a life instead.
The number at the top of all cards indicates the order in which they are to be Encountered. Lowest number first.
Any card which instructs that it be placed on another Space does not effect the Character drawing it.
The instructions on the card must be followed. Any, which result in the Character losing a turn, end the turn immediately. The Character may not Encounter any other cards drawn and must lose his next turn.
The creature will immediately attack any character Encountering it. The dead carcass of defeated Enemies of these types may be kept and exchanged for additional Strength.
These creatures will immediately attack any Character Encountering it, by Psychic Combat.
Only after any Events have occurred and any Enemies have been defeated or Evaded may any of the following Adventure cards be Encountered.
See Note Above First! All Strangers are self-explanatory. Follow the instructions on the card.
See Note Above First! Any of these items may be taken if permissible.
See Note Above First! All Places are self-explanatory. Follow the instructions on the card.
Any cards that remain after an Encounter must be left face up on the Space.
The Dwarf lands on the hidden Valley and is instructed to draw 3 Adventure Cards. He draws the IMP (Event) a BEAR (Enemy), and a BAG OF GOLD (Object). The Imp must be Encountered first. The Dwarf rolls a 4. The Imp has Teleported the Dwarf to the Ruins before he has a chance to fight the Bear and take the Gold. The Bear and Gold Cards are left face up in the hidden Valley and will constitute 2 of the 3 Cards for the next Character who lands there. The Dwarf, however, will continue his Turn with a new Encounter in the Ruins.
If a Character loses a turn, they must place their playing piece lying down on the Space where they lost a turn. On that player's next turn, all they may do is right their playing piece. That player may perform no actions, cast no Spells, read no Scrolls, or the like until his following turn.
If a Character is attacked while losing a turn he may defend himself as usual, including casting Spells, reading Scrolls and so on.
Combat occurs whenever:
A Character is attacked by an Enemy - Monster, Dragon, or Animal, or by any creature whose Strength is given.
A Character decides to attack another Character unless their Special Ability allows them to attack by Psychic Combat.
The Character must first declare if he is Evading or not. If not, then Combat takes place.
Any Spells cast or Scrolls read must be performed before the die are rolled.
The Character rolls 1 die. Characters use different sizes of die for Movement and Combat. Small Characters use a D4 for Movement and Combat, or Psychic Combat. Medium Characters use a D6, and Large Characters use a D8.
The Character's Combat Score is the die roll plus the Character's Strength. Another player now rolls a die for the creature and adds this to the creature's Strength. This is the Creature's Combat Score. If the Character's Combat Score is higher, the Creature is killed. If the creature's score is higher the Character loses 1 Life (use of an Object, Item, Spell, or Scroll may prevent this). If the Scores are equal, the result is a standoff. The Character's turn now ends.
More than One Enemy
If there is more than one Enemy that attacks by Strength, they fight as one Creature adding their Strength together and then adding a die roll for their Combat Score.
The Character being attacked has the option to Evade. If he does not, Combat takes place.
Both Characters have the opportunity to cast Spells or read Scrolls before the dice are rolled.
Both Characters determine their Combat Score as above in Resolving Combat. The Character with the higher Combat Score wins the Combat. If the Scores are equal, the result is a standoff.
The victor may either force the loser to lose 1 Life (use of an Object, Item, Spell, or Scroll may prevent this), or take one Object, Magic Object, Magic Item or Gold from the loser to add to his or her own. If the loser possess a Warrant, the victor may turn the loser over to the Law. The loser is immediately placed in the Donjon in the Talisman City.
If any Combat results in a standoff, neither side is harmed and that player’s turn ends.
Psychic Combat occurs whenever:
A Character is attacked by an Enemy - Spirit, or by any creature whose Craft is given.
A Character, whose Special Abilities permits, decides to attack another Character by Psychic Combat.
The Character must first declare if he is Evading or not. If not, then Psychic Combat takes place.
Any Spells cast or Scrolls read must be cast before the die are rolled.
The Character rolls 1 die. The Character's Psychic Combat Score is the die roll plus the Character's Craft. Another player now rolls a die for the creature and adds this to the creature's Craft. This is the Creature's Psychic Combat Score. If the Character's Psychic Combat Score is higher the Creature is killed. If the Creature's score is higher the Character loses 1 Life (an Object, Item, Spell, or Scroll may prevent this). If the Scores are equal, the result is a standoff. The Character's turn now ends.
More than One Spirit
If there is more than one Spirit which attacks by Craft, they fight as one Creature adding their Craft together and then adding a die roll for their Psychic Combat Score.
The Character being attacked has the option to Evade. If he does not, Psychic Combat takes place.
Both Characters have the opportunity to cast Spells or read Scrolls before the dice are rolled.
Both Characters determine their Psychic Combat Score as above in /resolving Combat. The Character with the higher Psychic Combat Score wins the Psychic Combat. If the Scores are equal, the result is a standoff.
The victor may either force the loser to lose 1 Life (use of an Object, Item, Spell, or Scroll may prevent this), or take one Object, Magic Object, Magic Item, Follower or Gold from the loser to add to his or her own. If the loser possess a Warrant, the victor may turn the loser over to the Law. The loser is immediately placed in the Donjon in the Talisman City.
A Character may, by using a Special Ability, Spell or Scroll, Evade an unfriendly creature or Character. The Evading Character may not affect or be affected by them in any way. With the exception of the Immobility Spell and Scroll, all creatures on the Evading Character's Space may be Evaded.
Creatures that may be evaded are:
A. Anything in the Outer or Middle Regions which Attack a Character.
B. Any Character attempting to attack or use a Special Ability.
C. Any creature Encountered by an Adventure Card, including some Events.
Only other Characters may be Evaded in the Inner Region.
Click her to get the complete Transformations Deck.
When a Character is turned into a "Toad" draw a card from the Transformations Stockpile.
The effects of Transforming lasts for 3 Full turns.
A Toad card is substituted for the Character's Playing Piece. Unless the Transformations deck is used, then draw a card whenever you are instructed to become a Toad.
At the end of the third turn the Character reverts back.
Toads and other transformed creatures cannot have any Possessions. All of these are Dropped on the Space where the Character changed into a Toad.
Toads have Strength of 1 and Craft of 1, but the Character regains all Strength and Craft when they revert. Other creatures have differing Strength, Craft and Movement. Refer to each Transformation card.
Toads and other transformed creatures may not Gain Strength or Craft.
Toads and transformed creatures have the Lives of their original Character. Any Lives Lost or Gained by the Toad affect those of the original Character.
Refer to the specificTransformed card for Movement, but simply Move 1 Space per turn. Other transformed creatures must refer to their individual card for Movement allowances.
Toads and other transformed creatures may not cast Spells, nor may they Gain any. Any Spells the Character had before transformation are kept and may be used once the Character reverts.
Toads and other transformed creatures must Encounter just as Characters must.
Toads and other transformed creatures have no Special Abilities. Those of the original Character may not be used.
When an Object is Purchased, take the appropriate card from the Purchase Deck or the Timescape Purchase deck.
Purchased Objects are treated just as all other Possessions.
Should there be no cards of any given Object, that Object is not available for purchase.
No Character may enter the Valley of Fire without a Talisman in their possession. If a Character attempts to do so they will Encounter an invisible Barrier preventing them from entering.
If, through an Encounter, a Character is given a Talisman, draw one from the Talisman Stockpile.
Talismans are treated just as all other Possessions.
Magic Items Possessed by their Proper Owner become Talismans.
TALISMAN Disasters
Talisman Disasters is a set of 12 Adventure cards to be added to the Adventure deck that change the board in different ways. Nine cards affect the Outer Region, one affects the Middle Region, and two affect the Inner Region. All disaster cards played remain on the board for the remainder of the game.
Disaster cards are numbered '0' and labeled 'Disaster'. When a disaster card is drawn, it is played on the designated board Space immediately, before any Player takes any other action. If the card is to be played on a Space that there is more than one of (Plains Fields etc.), the Player who drew the card, decides which Space to play it on. If there are any Characters currently on a Space affected by a disaster, they are effected immediately.
The legends say that the wizard who ruled this land of old constructed a great Dungeon complex beneath his realms, filled with mysterious chambers and deadly traps. Anyone who enters the Dungeon might, with courage and perseverance discover a route to the fabled Crown of Command. Now, at long last the entrance to the Dungeon has been found.
The Dungeon is considered to be part of the Outer Region for the purposes of Events.
The Blizzard does not affect Characters in the Dungeon.
Be certain to shuffle the four Doorway Adventure Cards into the Adventure deck.
Discovering Doorways
When a Doorway card is drawn from the Adventure deck, it is treated as a place card and left face up on the Space where it was found. When there are two Doorways on the Board, any subsequent Doorway cards, which are drawn, are ignored; they are discarded and another card is drawn.
Sealing the Dungeon
Should all Doorways to the Dungeon be removed from play or turned face down, the Dungeon is Sealed and can only be opened by the discovery of another Doorway or turning any face down doorways face up.
Any Characters in the Dungeon when it is Sealed, must exit through the Treasure Chamber.
Entering the Dungeon
To enter the Dungeon, a Character must first land on a Doorway. Entering is optional, not mandatory.
On your next turn you may Move onto the Entrance Space of the Dungeon Board. Your Turn ends here! You may enter the Dungeon on your next turn, or you may return to the Main Board through any upturned Doorway.
The Horse, Warhorse, and Horse and Cart may not be taken into the dungeon. They are dropped on the Entrance Space.
Movement in the Dungeon
The Dungeon Board is laid out in a spiral, with the Entrance at the outside of the Board, and the end of the Dungeon, the Treasure Chamber, at the center.
Characters in the Dungeon follow the spiral path to the Treasure Chamber, rolling one die and moving the indicated number of Spaces in the same manner as Movement on the outer and Middle Regions. Movement must be toward the center, unless the Character is Fleeing.
Movement must follow the spiral path marked out. Characters may not Move through walls except if Teleporting.
A Character may only Move backwards (toward the Entrance) under the following circumstances:
A. |
If instructed to do so by a Dungeon Card or Dungeon Space. |
B. |
If a Character is defeated in Combat, or Psychic Combat, they must Move toward the Entrance on their next turn only. You must stop if you reach the Entrance Space. |
C. |
If a Character is Fleeing the Dungeon. |
Leaving the Dungeon
Upon entering the Treasure Chamber, your Movement ends. On your next turn you roll a die and consult the Treasure Chamber Chart to see where you emerge. Scores over 6 are read as 6. You may add 1 to your die roll for each Character already on the Crown of Command Space. This is your Move for this turn.
Characters may not Teleport out of the Dungeon.
Fleeing the Dungeon
At any time, after your have left the Entrance Space, you may declare you are fleeing the Dungeon. You must now make all your Movements in the direction of the Entrance. You may not change your mind until you reach the Entrance Space.
If you are defeated in Combat or Psychic Combat while Fleeing, your next Move is still in the direction of the Entrance.
The great Wizard founded the City and used it as his base of operations. Never was there a more exciting and dangerous place.
Designers Note: The city has been determined too cumbersome to play as designed. See Optional Rules for a good way around this problem.
The City Space on the main board is considered the City Gate. Ignore all instructions printed there.
The City is considered to be part of the outer Region. Any events, which effect the Outer Region, will also effect the City. All rules, which apply to the Outer Region, apply to the City as well, except where noted here.
Entering the City
Any Character landing on the City Gate may attempt to enter the City on their next turn. Upon landing on the City Gate, Move the playing Piece to the corresponding City Gate on the Talisman City Board. The Character's turn ends here. On your next Move you may Move into the Town Square.
The City may also be entered by Barge. When a Character Encounters a barge in the Outer or Middle Regions he may choose to ride the Barge to the Wharf Space in the City.
Characters may not enter the City by Raft. However, any Character who casts a Water Walking Spell, or reads the Scroll, may simply walk to the Wharf Space in the City.
The merchants in the City will not allow animals in their shops. Hence, Mules, Horses, Horses and Carts, Dragons and all oversize beasts may not be taken into buildings. They must be left at the Wharf, the Stables, on the street, or outside the City walls. If you leave these items outside any shop, you may regain them as you exit.
The Law governs all actions in the City. After committing an illegal act, (see the Statutes of the City) during an Encounter, players are required to draw an additional City Card to see if the Watch arrives. If the next card is not the Watch, nothing happens. If it is, they will attempt to arrest the Character(s) involved.
Movement in the City
While in the City, Characters follow the standard rules for Movement, with the following exceptions:
Any Character moving into a Building ends his Movement there. |
All Buildings must be entered where there is an Arrow notating an entrance. Characters may, however, Teleport from one Building to another. |
Characters may not remain in a Building from one turn to another. They must Move, if able to do so. |
Arrest and Warrants
Representatives of the Law are very active in the City, and come down very hard on wrongdoers. They have a very sophisticated procedure for making sure that watch officers can recognize miscreants and wanted men.
The Watch will seek to arrest anyone who has just committed a crime, whether or not they hold a Warrant card. After resolving an Encounter which involved breaking one of the Statutes of the City, draw an additional City Card, if it is a law card the Watch will attempt to arrest the Character. The Character must fight a Combat with the Watch. If the Watch wins, the Character is taken at once to the Donjon, and must follow the instructions printed there. If the Character wins, or it is a Standoff, then arrest is escaped at this time.
During the course of play, if a Character with a Warrant Encounters any Law Card, the Watch will attempt to arrest the Character. Win or lose, the Character must retain the Warrant.
Purchasing Warrants
Warrants may be purchased in the Royal Castle and immediately given to any players who may not refuse to take them.
Discarding Warrants
Once a Character is taken to the Donjon he has three options: Bribery, Escape, or judgment. If he decides to Bribe the judge, or accepts the sentence given, then the Warrant Card is discarded upon leaving the Donjon. A Character who manages to Escape retains his Warrant Card.
Leaving the City
To leave the City by road, a Character must be able to reach the City Gate from within the City. Once there the Playing Piece may be Moved to the main Board. A Character who wished to leave does not have to finish his Move at the City Gate. Any additional Movement is taken on the main Board.
It is impossible for a Character to leave the City by road if he is in possession of a Warrant. Attempting to do so will result in immediate arrest, being taken to the Donjon.
It is possible to leave the City by barge, from the Wharf. If a Character begins his turn on the Wharf, he may pay 2G to be transported to any Space of his choice in the Outer Region. If he pays 4G he may be transported to any Space in the Middle Region.
On the Wharf space a Character may attempt to Stowaway on a passing Barge. If the Character is alone, has no Followers, has 4 Possessions or less and none of his possessions are a Horse, Mule or Horse and Cart, roll a die:
1. |
Caught by the law, go to the Donjon. |
2. |
Seen by a Sailor. Fight a Combat with him, Strength 6. |
3. |
Discovered, you run into the City Streets to avoid capture. Roll a die for Movement and immediately Move that many Spaces clockwise in the City. |
4. |
You are successful, but this Barge is stopping at the Woods Space immediately outside the City Gate. |
5. |
You are successful, you may go immediately to any Space in the Outer Region. |
6. |
You manage to stowaway on a Barge, you may immediately Move to any Space in the Outer or Middle Region. |
It is possible to leave the City by entering the Dungeon, if a Character draws or lands on a Dungeon doorway.
One may leave the City by entering the Timescape.
The Enchantress may open a Warp Gate allowing a Character to Move to the Talisman Timescape Board.
A Character may obtain a Loan on the Bank Space. Take a Loan Card and 3 Gold. This Gold is yours to do with as you wish. You must repay a total of 4 Gold, in one payment, before leaving the City. Should a Character attempt to leave the City before repaying a Loan, the Bank's Wizard will turn him into a Toad.
(in no particular order)
A. |
It is illegal to take part in Combat or Psychic Combat whilst on the City Streets. It is of no importance who started it, nor who was involved: any and all fighting is forbidden. |
B. |
Fighting in a Building will result in immediate arrest. Characters must go to the Donjon! |
C. |
It is forbidden to fire or throw any form of missile weapon, as this is considered to be another form of fighting. |
D. |
Karate, Assassination, Secret Strikes, and/or Killer Blows are also illegal: these are nothing more than alternate names for fighting. |
E. |
It is illegal to Trade in the Streets without a License. Licenses may be obtained, giving 3 years notice, from the Dept. of Licenses: please apply in triplicate. |
F. |
Reading Scrolls and casting Spells in the Street, from any source, is illegal. |
G. |
Beguiling, Charming, Corrupting, and Enchanting are all considered to be Spells, and are therefore crimes. |
H. |
It is illegal to Plunder, or Steal. |
I. |
It is Illegal to be a Cyborg, Ghoul, Hobgoblin, Orc, Troll, Warrior of Chaos, or Champion of Chaos. |
J. |
It is illegal to have no money at all. The City has standards to maintain. |
The Timescape consists of 15 alternate realities, separate buy inexplicably tied to the World of Talisman. When entering the Timescape you are on your own - a stranger riding the waves of Space and time in a realm alien to anything you have known.
Changes to Existing Rules
These changes only effect play within the Timescape. On other Boards the standard rules apply.
Cards only affect the Character who draws them; they never affect other Characters.
Cards are never left on the Timescape Board, discard. This applies to Dropped Objects/Items, Evaded creatures an so on.
Characters may not Encounter other Characters. If one Character lands on an occupied Space, the instructions on the Space are always followed.
Range weapons may not be used.
Design Note: The reason behind these rules is that each Space on the Timescape Board represents a complete separate reality, with an area much larger than the Board itself. When a Character Moves to a Space, they have appeared in one small part of that alternate reality, and the chances of any other Character appearing even remotely in the same place are very small indeed...
Characters in the Timescape may not affect or be affected by other Characters, unless a Dimensional Rift has occurred. The effect of a Dimensional Rift will only last for the turn in which it was drawn. The only exception to this rule is the possible effect of other Character by the use of Spells or Scrolls.
Entering the Timescape
Cast a Warp Gate Spell and enter the Timescape on your next turn.
If a Character on the Crown of Command Space draws the Horrible Black Void, he then is drawn into the Timescape and is Moved to the Warp Gate Space.
A Character may seek the help of the Mystic, or the Enchantress to enter the Timescape. Upon landing on the Village (there are several possibilities in the Village, so be certain to declare you are visiting the Mystic), or the Enchantress Space in the City, be certain to declare you are seeking help in entering the Timescape. Roll 2 dice and add them together. If the score is lower than your Strength and Craft together, you have been judged worthy of entering the Timescape.
For a fee the Warlock, in the Warlock's Cave, will open a Warp Gate to enter the Timescape, instead of going on a Quest. If you have his fee, you must pay it and immediately Move to the Warp Gate Space. If you do not have it, you are ignored and your Turn ends.
Roll a D8:
1-3: |
Ignored |
4: |
Pay 1 Follower |
5: |
Pay 2 Objects and/or Followers |
6: |
Pay 1 Magic Object and/or Items |
7: |
Pay 2 Magic Objects and/or items |
8: |
No payment required! |
A Character may visit the Mystic, the Enchantress or the Warlock any number of times to attempt to enter the Timescape but may ask to enter the Timescape only once per visit. The Mystic or Enchantress will only send you to the Timescape once each. The Warlock will send you any number of times, if you can afford his fee.
Mules, Warhorses, Horses and Carts, the Poltergeist and all Animal Followers (the Unicorn and all Animals taken as Followers) fear the Timescape and will not enter. These must be left behind on the Space you were on just before you entered the Warp Gate. Dragons do not fear the Timescape and will go with you.
Movement in the Timescape
The Spaces in the Timescape are joined by three colored Warp Lines. On your Turn, roll a D6 (all Characters) for Movement and consult the Movement Table to see which Warp Line you follow. Note that Movement on Warp Lines is in one direction at all times.
Character cannot control which Warp Line they Move along. No Objects, Magic Objects, Magic Items, Followers or Special Abilities may be used to affect Movement, except the Warp Belt which always allows Movement on the Red Warp Line.
Drawing Adventure Cards
Any Adventure Cards drawn by a Character in the Timescape will not effect any other Character or Region.
If you draw a Mule, a Horse, a Horse and Cart, a Warhorse, the Poltergeist, the Arena, the Blizzard, a Dungeon Door, the Hermit or any Animal, discard them and draw again.
If you draw the Pool of Life, the Magic Stream, or the Fountain of Wisdom, you may add 1 to the appropriate attribute then you must discard the Adventure Card.
Timescape Cards
Note: Timescape Card Enemies are all designated as Aliens, therefore, Possessions or Abilities, which pertain to some other specific type of Enemy (Monster, Spirit, Animals, etc.), will not work on them. Defeated Aliens may be kept for additional Strength or Craft.
and Scrolls
powers of Time and Space affect Magic in odd manners, hence when a Spell is
cast or a Scroll read Random may occur.
a D8:
1: |
Spell/Scroll has Double
Reverse Effect |
2: |
Spell/Scroll has Reverse
Effect |
3: |
Spell/Scroll has No Effect |
4: |
Spell/Scroll has Full Effect
on a Random Character anywhere in the Game |
5: |
Spell/Scroll has Full Effect |
6: |
Spell/Scroll has Full Effect
and Do NOT Discard |
7: |
Spell/Scroll had Double
Effect, do not Discard |
8: |
Spell/Scroll has Triple Effect |
If you find yourself imprisoned by the Sentinels, in order to escape you must roll less than or equal to your Craft on 2D8. The roll is made at the start of your turn. If you succeed, you may take your turn as usual. If you fail, your Turn ends.
Ancient Artifact
If brought into the Timescape this becomes an Object, not a Magic Object.
Dragon Rage does not effect any Character in the Timescape.
If The Emperor’s Guard Event Card is drawn, immediately place one of the Emperor’s Guard Playing Pieces on each of these spaces: City Gate, Chapel, Tavern, Village Square, Monastery of Pure Good, Endless Sea, Tower of Ultimate Evil and Bandit’s Fortress. All Players must immediately pay a tax of 1 Gold. If they do not have enough to pay, they must take a Warrant.
At the end of each Round of play roll 1D6 and move each remaining Emperor’s Guard Piece this number of spaces clockwise around the Region. The Guard will never change Regions.
If the Guard lands on a space occupied by a Character they will attempt to take a Life from them. If there is more than one Character, the Guard will Encounter each on in order. The Guard may be Evaded. The Guard will accept bribes, however. Roll 1D6. The Guard cannot be bribed if the Character holds a Warrant Card.
Roll |
Bribe |
1 |
Nothing |
2 |
5 Gold & a Magic Object or Item |
3 |
5 Gold |
4 |
3 Gold or any Magic Object or Item |
5 |
1 Gold or any Magic Object or Item |
6 |
The Guard accept you as a friend, no bribe needed |
A player may still opt not to pay the bribe and fight anyway after rolling. If the Guard loses the combat or Psychic Combat they are removed from play and the player must take a Warrant Card. If the Player loses, lose a Life.
Should the Guard Encounter any card follow these instructions:
Type |
Action |
Strangers |
Discard |
Enemy |
Combat or Psychic Combat |
Place |
Close (turn Face-Down) |
Object |
Discard |
Follower |
Hide (turn Face-Down) |
Magic Item |
Discard |
Magic Object |
Discard |
Permanent Location |
Ignore the Space |
Any Player landing on a Closed (Face-Down) Adventure Card may reopen it by losing one Turn. Then turn card Face-Up. Any Player landing on a Hiding Follower may immediately take the Follower.
Setup for using the Brotherhood of the Bell
You will need to purchase two ten sided die for this
expansion! Rolling these two die is
referred to as “rolling percent die.”
Seen in print as D%. Be certain
you get two different colors to determine the tens place and the ones place. For example, if you have a red & a blue
10-sided die and roll them together, you must declare which one is the tens and
which is the ones. Therefore, if the
red die shows 6 and the blue die shows 3, you’ve rolled 63%. Likewise, if the red shows 2 and the blue
shows 9 it is read as 29%. One cannot
roll less than 01%. If both die show 0
this is read as 100%!
Purpose of the Brotherhood:
The Brotherhood seeks to create a democracy in the
land by setting up a government of, by and for the people. This is detrimental to the monarchy and its
aristocracy who wish to maintain their positions and status in the world;
therefore they seek to destroy the Brotherhood at all costs.
Becoming a Member
The Initiation Ceremony:
When one joins the Brotherhood one stands at the
South position encircling a great Bell.
The Bell being a symbol of Freedom and Democracy. There are 3 others at the North, East &
West positions. If any given member
brings another person in to join, that member moves up one place around the
Bell from the South, then to East, West and finally North. In this manner no one member will know more
than 6 other members.
History of the Brotherhood
The beginnings of the Brotherhood are shrouded in
mystery. It is suspected now that too many
people are members. Long ago, no one knows quite when, the Brotherhood came
into being. The fact that each member
only knows 6 other members prevents betrayal of the organization as a whole.
The Brotherhood in Talisman:
Whenever you encounter a Stranger, roll percent dice
(D%). There is a 20% chance that any
given Stranger will reveal their membership in the Brotherhood to you. Keep track on separate paper whenever you discover
any members. They may become valuable
allies in the future.
Once you’ve discovered your first member of the
Brotherhood you are considered to be a member yourself. You are then initiated into the
Brotherhood. When you discover your 6th
member of the Brotherhood they will give you a Talisman. Draw one immediately.
If you are a member of the Brotherhood and you
encounter any LAW you must roll D% to determine if they know you are a
member! See the chart below:
Brotherhood members you know |
% to roll |
1 |
10% |
2 |
15% |
3 |
20% |
4 |
25% |
5 |
30% |
6 |
40% |
It is tougher to hide ones membership when one
knows more and more members… and they know you!
If any Law discovers your membership you must
take a Warrant Card. The Emperor’s
Guard is considered LAW as well. If the
Emperor’s Guard defeats you in Combat and they know you are a member of the
Brotherhood, they will send you to the Donjon.
Membership and the Donjon:
If you are a member of the Brotherhood and you find
yourself in the Donjon FOR ANY REASON ignore the instructions written there and
follow these.
The Brotherhood of the Bell has no allies
here! All Members and suspected Members
lose all Possessions, discard immediately.
Members brought here are sure to suffer terribly… unless….
You may do one of the following:
6 |
Wrongful Arrest. You are paid 6G and allowed to leave. |
5 |
Judge is convinced you are not a
Member of the Brotherhood. You may
leave. |
4 |
Tossed out of the City. Move to the City Gate. |
3 |
Jailed. You must now roll a 6 for your Movement or you cannot move. |
2 |
Beaten senseless. Lose 1 Life. You must now roll a 6 for Movement or you cannot leave. |
1 |
Declared the Leader of the
Brotherhood and sentenced to hang.
You lose the game! |
Rules for Play
The Catacombs set has no board. The darkness prevents you from seeing where you are going.
The Catacombs is not a place of joy. Be warned all who would adventure into the
Dark recesses. Do not tread lightly
here. There are monsters to fight and
demons to survive and beasts so hideous as to chill the bone, but mostly there
is the Dark One who Rules the Night.
You are warned!
There are many ways to enter
the Catacombs (6 Adventure cards, 2 each Dungeon, City, TimeScape cards) but
there are few exits. Any player
entering the Catacombs is assumed to be underground, but no one (not even the
player) knows quite where. The caverns
lead in random directions throughout the land.
Each turn a Character is in the Catacombs, draw a Catacombs card and
follow the encounter as usual. Once an
Exit card is drawn, if you choose to exit, roll the dice to determine where the
Character and Party emerge!
Cards encountered do not
remain in play unless a player takes them.
Enemies, Spirits, Strangers, Events and Places are encountered and then
discarded. Object, Magic Objects and
Followers which are not taken are discarded as well.
The Catacombs is NOT part of any
region, hence Events, which effect players in other regions, will not apply,
EXCEPT Earthquake! In the Catacombs you are effects by Earthquake just as
on the Main Board.
New kind of cards.
The Catacombs introduces LOCALES. For the most part these are like Places except they do not remain
on the space first encountered. They
are discarded whether or not they are encountered.
The idea of Airships
came to me while i was researching graphics for The Catacombs expansion.
Frnakly it was one of those things that practiaclly created istself. I'm quite
proud of this one.
The skies have become
crowded with more than just flying creatures.
Now there are ships they say float on the clouds like the fishing boats
sail on the oceans. No one knows where
they come from but they are great and powerful!
To use this expansion
each player will need paper & pencil to keep track of Hit Points if they
should discover an Airship.
There are five classes
of Airship.
Class |
Strength |
Hit Points |
Movement |
Compliment |
Dragon |
D8 |
12 |
3 |
3-8 |
Wyvern |
D6 |
8 |
2 |
2-6 |
Condor |
D4 |
6 |
2 |
2-5 |
Eagle |
D4 |
4 |
1 |
1-3 |
Falcon |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1-2 |
Strength is described as how many points of
damage any given Airship may inflict in any round of Combat.
Hit Points are how many points of damage an
Airship may take before completely destroyed.
Movement is how many spaces per turn an
Airship may move.
Complement is how many people maximum
(Character plus Followers and/or Henchmen) may board the vessel. Horse and Carts may not board any Airship.
Combat with Enemies
When in Combat with any
Enemy roll the appropriate die Airship Die along with 1D6. Add the results together then add your
Strength. Then compare your result with
your opponents'. The higher result
wins. For example: Suppose you are flying in a Wyvern Class
Airship and you encounter a Dragon Strength 7.
You would roll 2D6. One for the
ship and one for the Combat. Then add your Strength.
Combat with
Another Airship
If you Encounter
another Airship and wish to engage in Combat simply roll the Appropriate
Airship die. Do not roll a Combat
die. The result is how much damage you
give to the other Airship. In the case of a Falcon Class, do not roll at all.
You do 1 point of damage to the other Airship.
Combat with
another Character
If you Encounter
another Character and you choose to engage them in Combat or Psychic Combat you
may add the Airship’s Strength to yours.
To do so roll the appropriate die along with your Combat or Psychic
Combat die. For example: Suppose your are flying in a Condor Class
Airship. Your Strength is 3 and your
Followers add another 2 to your Strength.
You would, in Combat, roll 1D6 and 1D4 adding the results to your party
Strength of 5.
When an Airship
has taken its maximum amount of damage it is destroyed. If you and your party are aboard you have no
place to go but down! Animal Objects
are killed, discard. The only exception
to this rule is for Flying Followers.
Roll 1D8 for each Follower and consult the Fall Chart:
1-3 |
Killed (discard) |
4-6 |
Injured, Follower leaves you,
leave on this space. |
7 |
Stunned, Follower remains
with you but you may not gain any benefits from this Follower for 3 Turns. |
8 |
Safe. |
Embarking &
If you Encounter an
unguarded Airship you may claim it immediately if your party fulfills the
Compliment amount needed to fly the darn thing. For example: If you
Encounter a Dragon Class Airship you must have a party size of 3-8 people
(Character + Followers + Henchmen) no more and no less. If you have less you may not claim the
Airship. If you have more you must
leave behind any Followers that would put your total over the Compliment
total. Followers that do not have hands
(The Unicorn and other Animals) do not count toward fulfiling the Sirship's
Compliment. You may not take a Horse and Cart aboard an Airship. You may take a Horse, War Horse & etc
but they will not aid you in Airship Combat.
They are simply cargo.
You may choose to
disembark any Airship at any time during your turn. Simply state you and your party are disembarking. Once stated you may not reclaim the same
Airship unless you Encounter it on another Turn. It is not necessary to disembark to claim any face-up Adventure
card. It is assumed you or one of your
party scampers off momentarily and jumps back aboard.
Movement is the maximum number of spaces your Airship may
move each turn. You do not need to roll
a die for movement as long as you are aboard.
Airships by design are not restricted to the standard movement. They fly over the Storm River and most
everything else. Therefore you may move
freely from the Outer Region to the Middle Region and the Far Outer
Region. However, the air over the Inner
Region and the Crown of Command Space is too thin. Airships simply will not go that high.
Decide how many henchmen are permitted to each player. Only one Henchman is recommended.
Once Characters are chosen, randomly deal out the agreed upon number of henchmen to each player from the remaining Character Cards. Any main Character, who is not allowed Followers, may not have henchmen either.
The player may use any or all of the Henchman's Special Abilities as if they were his own. These must be abilities, which a henchman could pass on to the player. For example: you could not Gain a Henchman's resistance to the Siren's song, but a Henchman could steal for you.
At the start of any Combat, a player may declare a Henchman to fight in stead. Henchmen fight using the base Strength and/or Craft printed on their Character Cards. Objects, Magic Objects, Magic Items and Followers may be added to them. They may also Gain benefits from Spells and Scrolls.
Henchmen cannot increase their Strength or Craft, nor may they possess any Gold or Gain more than 4 Lives.
Henchmen are considered Followers for any pertaining rules.
No one may win the game until he/she has reached the Crown of Command Space.
Only 1 Talisman Card is used.
No player may start a new Character.
The last Character left alive in the game is the winner.
Any Character reaching the Treasure Chamber in the Dungeon may take a Talisman and exit the Dungeon at the Portal of Power.
Original Talisman Game:
Robert Harris
Development: Ian
Livingstone, Albie Fiore, Gary Chalk
Talisman Adventure Rules:
Edward Campbell, Charles Johnson, Alan Merrett, Aly Morrison
Talisman Dungeon: Bob
Development: Graeme Davis,
Jervis Johnson
Additional Design &
Development: Paul Cockburn
Talisman Timescape: Frank
Development: Jervis Johnson
Talisman Dragons: Evan K.
Friedman & Paul D. Morrow
Wizard’s Tower: Jeff
Emperor’s Guard: Paul D.
Potions: Paul D. Morrow
Abilities: Paul D. Morrow
Emperor's Guard: Paul D.
Magic Items: Paul D. Morrow
Noblemen: Carsten Both,
Adapted by Paul D. Morrow
Catacombs: Paul D. Morrow
Brotherhood of the BelL:
Paul D. Morrow
Far-Outer Reaches: Rob
Airships | Abilities | Brotherhood of the Bell | Catacombs
| Emperor's Guard | Magic Items
| Noblemen | Potions | Scrolls | Master Level Characters | Player Info Sheets | Rules