The Characters of the NetherWorld

Back to Main...House Rules...New Adventure/Spell cards...New Characters...The NetherWorld Board...Send me an email...NOTE: If an image does not appear as it should then refresh or follow a link and then come back. That seems to fix that annoying little problem. I'm am trying to get the problem resolved permanently. These are the new characters that I created. As we all know there are a lot of really bad characters, so in my designs I tried to make them useful and not to powerful. I stayed away from characters that were disappointing to get, or ones that pretty much guaranteed that you had no chance of winning. Please let me know what you think. Note that all of these were created with a great program that I got from Talismanic Creations called "The Talisman Card Creator". Another important note is that some of the characters abilities tie in with some of the new cards I created.

The BeastMaster: She was inspired by the movie "The BeastMaster" if you can beleive it. She is probably the weakest of the characters I designed, but her ability to take horses and the like is very scary to other players, and if she gets lucky, her posse of animal followers will tear the other players to pieces.
Download the Playing Piece.

The Good Faery: While designing deadly characters I thought that I should design one that wasn't powerful, but incredibly useful. Being safe in the woods, forest, crags and chasm is no big deal, but +1 to movement, immune to being turned into a toad, starting with two spells and the ability to make combat pyshic make for a fine character.
Download the Playing Piece.

The Holy Templar: My days of playing D+D are pretty much over now, but I always loved the idea of fighters that manipulated magic in their combats, and in Talisman there are many cards that are centered around combat. Being able to take a spell is loads of fun, and the other player will soon try to make sure they are farther than three spaces away when drawing cards.
Download the Playing Piece.

The Vicious Warlord: Very powerful, the Warlord can rule the board quickly, especially in the early game. His abilities might seem a little weak at first, but when you start with a sword and the warhorse, he has an effective strength of 6. Not to mention his others abilites as well. Making characters move away from him when he wins in combat was to reflect his ominous presence and reputation, and he is such an accomplished warrior that if someone defeats him in combat, he takes their life as well.
Download the Playing Piece.

The Pit Fighter: This guy is probably my favorite. He is well balanced and fun to play. Not to powerful, but definitley strong enough to be a serious player. Getting a new item when he trades in experience, and collecting gold when defeating players, was trying to reflect that as he defeats his foes, he grows rich and powerful off the death. Spoils of war so to speak.
Download the Playing Piece.

The Occultist: I was going to call him the demonologist at first, but it seemed to limiting. He can have strong access to spells, but there is a price for his power. He must pay life to his Demon Lords to gain spells, but if the game goes well for him, he can become powerful quickly. There are also a number of cards that work well in combination with the Occultist, particularily some of the cards that I designed.
Download the Playing Piece.

The Preacher: Obviously this characters main source of power is his followers. In play testing I have had his life up to eleven naturally, making him very hard to kill. Normally in Talisman it is difficult to get followers away from players once they have found them, other than using the Mesmerism spell, so I felt that this character really had a place.
Download the Playing Piece.

New Characters added... (December 10, 2003)

Paladin: I decided I wanted to try and make some characters that were "outside of the box". The Paladin is a very solid character without being ridiculously powerful or overly complicated.
Download the Playing Piece.

Beggar: I designed this guy after seeing some of the kids that hang around downtown and torture regular, hard-working people for their change. He was probably the easiest character I have made yet, and once I started I had to hold back making him to powerful while still trying to reflect a player that leeches off the other players in the game.
Download the Playing Piece.

Again I would like to note that some of these characters abilities are tempered either by the cards that I have created or by the House Rulesthat my friends and I have developed over the years. Sifting through these pages will reveal a wealth of information garnered from when we first started playing in 1987. I getting old.