NetherWorld Adventure/Spell Cards

Back to Main...House Rules...New Adventure/Spell cards...New Characters...The NetherWorld Board...Send me an email...There are a lot of jpg's to open, sorry if it's taking a while to load them all up. NOTE: If for some reason a picture is not showing, then follow one of the links on this page and then come back. That seems to fix the problem. The cards that are listed here are over one hundred cards that I have designed since discovering that glorious little program called the Talisman Card Creator. This program is incredible and if you love Talisman then you must follow the link and immediately download it. You will NOT be disappointed. There are a few thing to keep in mind as you are going over these cards. The NetherWorld expansion is a little tougher than normal since no character starts in the NetherWorld. You have to die, or open a portal at the Mystic just like you were trying to get to the Timescape. Because of that I made all of the cards harder to deal with. The enemies generally have higher strength/craft on average (4-5). I tried for game balance as best I could. If I made an object powerful I tried to temper it by giving it a drawback in some way (see The Blood Helm). I've introduced some new ideas and re-used a few faithful ones from the original game. Most of all I tried not to make any stupid cards, but it's all subjective so I'm sure you are going to come across a few that you think are dumb or too powerful. If that is the case, then email me and let me know what you think. I would love some constructive criticism. I've played all of these cards at this point, but a fresh pair of eyes always makes a difference. Some of the wording might seem a little ackward. I had to be succinct in some cases since there isn't a whole lot of room on those cards, so also feel free to contact me if you would like me to explain in more detail about how a card works, unless you just want to play it your own way. Please read the House Rules before getting too far along or else a few of these cards aren't going to make any sense (see The Magus Coronet). WARNING: There is nudity on some of these cards, but nothing sexual. DISCLAIMER: I borrowed all of these images from the Internet. I am receiving no money in any way for any of this, but if anyone sees an image that belongs to them and is bothered by my use of it then I will take it down as soon as it is brought to my attention.

I have compiled all of the cards into one .zip file if you are interested. You can get that here.

If you like these cards and are interested in using them then I suggest you go to Talisman Islandto print off card backs as well as a million others things dealing with Talisman. It was THE site that inspired me to create this one. It contains a wealth of new cards and boards that are just incredible.

Suggested Frequency

When I created this set, some of the cards had more than one copy. Feel free of course to have as many of each card as you want, the following comments are only suggestions.

Power Cards

Some of the cards in this set are particularily deadly. While designing, I originally started out just making cards for the regular game. But as I went on I got more ambitious and decided to create my own expansion board. This caused the creation of cards that work with The NetherWorld in particular. You'll see which ones I mean just by reading them. The cards that my friends and I deemed to be the "Power Cards" of the set are as follows: