Combat to the death is still a popular form of entertainment. However now is a growing breed of professional Gladiators, men who do the job for the money and the sport, who are not just convicts or slaves.
Gladiator |
Any alignment |
35 Points |
Ability |
Cost |
Description |
AC Bonus |
5 |
+2 AC |
Backstab |
10 |
Level Damage Thaco 1-4 x2 +4 5-8 x3 +5 9-12 x4 +6 13+ x5 +7 Bonuses only apply when strike from behind |
Berzerker |
5 |
Once per day per level during combat can enter berzerker rage, for duration; Become immune to Sleep, Charm, Fear, Hold & Confusion +4 vs all other spells Immune to knockout +2 actions, +2 Str, +2 thaco, +4 MR but Int ½ Lasts 1 round per Con or until all dead at which point collapse & need to rest for double that time |
Charge Attack |
5 |
+2 damage, enemy must make morale check or be –1 that round |
Detect Noise |
10 |
+1 vs surprise |
Followers |
5 |
one per level Can train followers adding +1 to their thaco & AC |
Resist |
5 |
+1 vs poison |
Strafe |
10 |
Every foe in short or point blank range can be hit once per day per level if using a ranged weapon -1 thaco for every second foe cumulative |
Thaco Bonus |
5 |
+1 thaco |
Weapon |
5 |
+2 with 1 weapon type & +1 with another Both must be melee weapons however |
Whirlwind |
10 |
number of attacks are tripled for 1 combat round with 1 melee weapon once per day per level |