David Thomas - Sun Knight
Sent down by the Gods of Good, the Sun Knight travels, the land routing out Evil.
The Gods feel that no mortal man, or being, should possess the "Crown of Command", and have sent the "Sun Knight" as their avatar for them to keep the Crown from falling into the hands of Evil.
1. The Sun Knight begins the game with the Sword and Armour. Optionally he can also start with Helmet and shield, though this is not listed on the card.
2. Due to The Sun Knight being sent by the Gods, the Sun Knight may add up to one to each die roll for praying. If the Sun Knight rolls two dice when praying he can add up to two to his die roll. If her rolls three dice, he may add up to three, and so on.
3. Because the sun Knight has been sent by the forces of Good, he is uneffected by the Evil Darkness.
4. As the Sun Knight has been sent by the Gods, his alignment can never change from being Good, and any forced alignment change causes him to lose a point of Life instead.