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Back... Sewer Setup Take 4 random cards from the purchase deck and put them on the Object pile outside the Sewage Exhaust space. There are three pairs of manhole covers in the form of round counters. These are the means of travelling from the City to the Sewers and vice versa. Use the Manhole Placement table to see where they should be placed. Put one of them on the City street and the other one on the corresponding Sewer space.
Enter and exit the Sewers There are a few cards that will allow you to travel between the sewers and other boards, but the far easiest way to move to the sewers is by using one of the three manholes found in the city. The rules are simply. If you start your turn on a space that contains a manhole you may climb down to the sewer system instead of rolling for movement. When you climb down, use the Corresponding spaces table to see where you end up in the sewers. You must encounter that space. The same goes for exiting the sewers. If you start your turn on a space containing a manhole you may climb up to the city. Look in the table to see where you exit and encounter that space. If there are any other card or rule that forces you to enter or exit the sewer without any instructions on where you end up, you should always use the Corresponding spaces table to find out where you end up.
Special rules When using the Sewer system a new, rather important, rule takes place. Every object dropped in the City and in the Sewers are not placed on the space they are dropped. Instead they are flushed down the sewers and washed out through the sewage exhaust. So every time an object is to be placed on any space in the City or Sewer, instead put it on the object pile outside the Sewage Exhaust space in the Sewer. The only way to get hold of these objects is to travel down the sewer to the Sewage Exhaust space (by normal movement). When you end up in that space you are allowed to browse thought the object pile and take as many objects as you whish and are able to carry. Stench markers The sewer system is a dirty, foul-smelling place and if you travel down its tunnels you suffer the risk of acquiring Stench Markers. These are bad and you do not want them on your character. If you get a Stench marker you must look at the penalties given to you from the Stench Marker table. You can get Stench Markers through spaces on the board and from cards drawn. These can also make you lose Stench Markers. There is a third way to get rid of stench markers, if you pass over a river, ocean or any other body of water you lose your Stench Markers. This does not include the Sewage Exhaust space on the sewers board or the Wharf space in the City.
Max Followers: You must immediately discard down to the amount allowed. These followers do not stay on your current space, put them on the discard pile. Combat Modifier: This if for combat, not psychic combat. Evade: If you draw the card you do not encounter it, instead put it on the space. |