Questing Knight - Talisman Dragons
I thought that the Questing Knight would be the most difficult conversion I was ever likely to undertake, though as it turned out, it was quite straight forward.
The miniature to use for the knight would be easy enough, but the dragon was another story, but then I noticed this little green chappie at the GW Online Store -
Young Dragons (3 models) 99060299043
I had originally planned to use a standard plastic knight for the conversion, but when it came down to it, his body was a little large and his pose, though perfect for riding, just wasn't right for actually lancing something.
So I decided to use the head, lance tip and horse from the original knight, the body of the Blood Dragon Vampire used for the Dragon Priest conversion and the spare lance arm from the Dragonrider conversion!!
After drilling the dragon's neck and assembling the "scene" it seemed that the dragon's wings would be an issue as they were rather.... "wimpy"!
I had a look through Games Workshop Online for various ideas, but then happened across the Warmaster line of miniatures and this magnificent (for such a small fellow) dragon.
(WM) High Elf Hero on Dragon 99061210008
The wings were a perfect match. So, after having the figures painted, I set about basing him on a horse base rather than a standard 40mm base. A bit of Green Stuff was added to help with the angles and you can see the results below.