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King's Champion - Talisman City

Character Card                Token

Another trip to the Foundry website found a likely candidate for the King's Champion amongst the "Early Medieval" collection.

This blister of miniatures was actually a good buy, because it also had the basis for the Templar miniature PLUS the necessary donor miniatures for some of the parts that were needed to complete both figures!


Check out the Foundry website for these and many more medieval figures -



The figure to the left of the knight in question would be donating the very top of his helm to the cause, so I removed the horns from our subject's helmet and replaced it with the donor piece.

I used a craft knife to alter the positin of his sword and then it was just a question of decorating his shield.


I created a logo for his shield in Photoshop and printed it out and glued it to his shield. I printed another, slightly smaller version and cut that out with a craft knife for his tunic. The paper was a little thick for that, but it's hard to tell unless you are looking very closely.

You can download a 73KB zip file with the PSD file I made by clicking the logo above.

The finished miniature is shown below -

Pic     Pic