- Signatures
Sept 22
- Card
- Character
- Space
- Region
- Spell
- Game
- Critique
Sept 25
- Simple Versions
Oct 6
- Card
- "states" exist (state variables are implemented functionally)
- Init initializes state
- Hooks implemented (functions declared, no text)
- Char
- State exists
- Init initializes
- Hooks implemented
- Space
- State exists
- Init initializes
- Hooks implemented
- Region
- State exists
- Init initializes
- Hooks implemented
- Game
- State exists
- Init initializes
- Hooks implemented
- Version II
Oct 27
- Card
- "do" is implemented
called when a card is drawn to determine what it does
- Char
- "turn" implemented
Characters turn, what happens during a turn
Orders turn as per rules
- Character moves
- Space
- Encounter space
When character lands on a space, something happens
- Simple encounters
- Region
- "findspace" implemented
Region can find a space in its listing
- Spell
- Initializes
- Game
- Shuffles cards
- "main" tracks players turns
- "main" calls character's turn
- Version III
Nov 17
- Card
- "use" implemented
Called when a character wishes to use an object, or follower, in their possession
- Char
- "attack" implemented
Character can attack creatures
- Simple attacks
- Space
- More complex encounters implemented
Space rolls to determine what encounter does
- Spell
- "use" implemented
Character can cast a spell
- Version IV
Dec 8
Tentative, Time may be used to write a final report
- Card
- Complex Cards implemented
Who can use it
When can it be used
- Char
- Combat modifiers implemented
When an object is used, sometimes it causes an increase in strength for a battle
- Char vs Char attacks
Char vs Char attacks are different from regular attacks in that their are two characters involved who each have modifiers
- Space
- Complex Encounters
There are some complex things that happen at times when a space is encountered
- Spell
- Complex spells implemented
Some spells involve rolling to determine what the spell does and to whom
Some spells also involve affecting multiple targets at once