Talisman Project
- Helen Huang
- Ross Knepper
- Carla Sereny
- Dan Singhal
- Jon Wildstrom
Planning Members [Summer 1997]:
- Ross Knepper
- Daniel Singhal
For most of this time period the team members engaged at Carnegie Mellon will
be working on summer courses and other projects.
During this period I shall produce the documents necessary for properly
planning and executing a project of this size. These documents will be the
same as those used for CS3302 at Georgia Tech. They include:
- The Preliminary Design will explain the broad level features and implementation
of portions of the program. This submission will include a description of
the game and how it works.
- The Schedule will contain a brief description of what role each team
member will play in the design and writing of the project. Every member is
expected to act as a programmer, and each will likely have a secondary role
to perform in conjunction with other team members. The schedule will also
contain brief descriptions of the variuos sub-portions of the project,
such as meetings, code and review, testing, and any details about any
- At this time I am not planning to do a project plan except for the
Preliminary Design.
- The requirements document will be list and explain the features and
capabilities the program and its parts are to have, how they are to interact
with each other, and how they are to interact as a whole with the surrounding
system. It will explain each feature in some detail, mapping portions of
the game to clear and precise elements of the program and how they are to
be determined as implemented. *
- The test plan will cover each of the mappings made in the
requirements document and map a test to each element. Each feature of the
original game shall be mapped to have a test that will determine whether that
feature works or not, The feature shall not be considered properly implemented
until it has passed the tests set for it. *
- The design document will consist of the layout of the parts and
descriptions of their interactions. It will explicitly state what is to
happen when an event occurs and will provide a clear idea of how events
are to propagate through the system.
- Configuration management will provide for a stabilized bed for
testing elements at various stages. It will provide for a "last working
version" that test cases can be run on to determine the working/not working
of a new feature or element. It will also minimize the oppurtunities for
multiple edits and lost changes, by allowing only single persons to work on
an element or feature in one file.
The requirements document and test plans will be proposals, as their
true effectivesness and accuracy cannot be measured until the project has begun
and the design has been properly settled. The configuration management will
be a description of what we are planning to do, and what we will be using to
control it.
Each document will be sent for internal review amongst the team
before it is submitted. The dates beside the titles represent planned
dates of release for these documents.