The basic premise of Talisman Island is very simple - it was to introduce the idea of Questing, however crudely, to the most interesting game I have played.

I make no apologies for not using my own artwork, I am as good an Artist as I am an Astronaut. The images I have are gleaned from the Internet or scanned from Games Workshop publications or children's literature. If there is a problem with copyright (Mr. Disney), please let me know and I will change the offending item.


The journey to Talisman Island is a requirement for all Characters in the game, mainly because the Crystal Cave is the store for all Talismans, but also because of the new variant rule, whereby a Character loses any Special Abilities if they come into contact with Fire or Flame. This should stop some of the powerful Characters in the game over-running things.

Existing cards that will strip a Character of Special Abilities are the Fireball Spell and any encounter with an Enemy Dragon (they breath Fire, you know).

When a Character is stripped of their Abilities they should take a Warning Card and place it over the Character Card - just so they don't forget. I have not however supplied the "Cushions" Card required for the beatings. If anyone can be bothered to produce such a card, please feel free to send it to me !

The Desert space always puzzled me - how could you sustain all of your Followers etc with just one Water Bottle ? This has now been sorted, with the addition of "THE BUCKET OF WATER" ! A modern device capable of carrying large quantities of water - even enough to quench a Mule's thirst. Now if you venture into the Desert without one, your Followers and Animals will perish. A Water Bottle will only now sustain ONE person, Follower or Animal.

All Talisman Cards should be removed from the various decks and any cards or spaces which enable a Character to receive a Talisman should be treated as you see fit. Perhaps to gain another bonus or maybe don't use them at all and treat them as "Draw Card" spaces.

Some Events in the Island deck are subtitled "Shipping Hazards", these are marked apart as some Followers etc will enable you to avoid these - other Events are unavoidable.

Enemies defeated in Combat at Sea are not killed outright and therefore may not be kept for Experience points.

Existing Characters that have bonuses whilst adventuring at sea :-

The Pirate may choose to avoid Shipping Hazards without use of Followers.

The Priest and Monk may choose to convert The Natives on the Island and therefore evade them.

The Woodsman does not have to miss a turn in order to repair his Ship, as he can chop trees down quite quickly.

New Purchase Cards may be bought at the Chandlers on the Dockside. The "Ship" is really difficult to explain, the "Ships Biscuit" guards against hunger, the "Iron Clad" may be bought to strengthen your vessel and the "Bucket of Water" - well we've covered that one. Oh yes - and the "Map" too - that gives bonuses on the Island.

Talismania and Fire Storm are Adventure Cards.

The rest are either Island Cards or Spells, except "The Holy Pail" (snigger). This at least should help someone escape the loss of Special Abilities. But as there is only one it will introduce "The Quest for The Holy Pail".


The beginning of the Board consists of the Dockland area - this has a Tavern where you first enter the Board, a Chandlers where you purchase the new items and the Docks where you sail from.

NOTE - The Tavern on the Island Board is the same Space as The Tavern on the main Talisman Board

NOTE - Prices of Objects at The Chandlers are as follows -

Sailing Ship - 6 Gold

Iron Clad - 3 Gold

Ship's Biscuit - 2 Gold

Bucket of Water - 2 Gold

Map of Talisman Island - 2 Gold

A Player encounters The Tavern - then on his next Turn may move to The Chandlers and The Docks and await the tide. On the NEXT Turn after that he begins the voyage to Talisman Island.

Movement on the voyage is via dice roll - on a 1,2 you move 1 Space, on a 3,4 you move 2 Spaces and on a 5,6 you may move 3 Spaces - however you must Encounter ALL Spaces that you pass through.

Island Cards do not remain when they have been encountered, they are discarded and when they are all used they are shuffled back into the Island Deck. This takes away the need to duplicate Enemy Cards etc.

Combat at sea is like Physical Combat on land but damage is usually taken by the Ship instead of by the Character. This usually takes the form of 1d6 or 2d6 Damage - this means to roll the die once or twice and deduct the total from the Ship Point total. When a Ship has exhausted all it's Ship Points, it will sink. You then move to Halfway Island, having lost all Objects, Followers and Gold, where you can teleport back to your Starting Point.

If an Island Card refers to "Crew" - this generally means Followers.

If a Card instructs you to discard Followers but you have none, then lose a Life instead.

If you pass by another Ship on your travels you may attack it, Combat is by Strength only - the loser must take 1d6 Ship Points damage.

Halfway through your voyage you will come to Halfway Island - where you may rest a while and repair your Ship or teleport back to your Starting Point - all alone !

At the end of your voyage is the fabled Talisman Island - this consists of Encounter Spaces as in the Upper Region of the Main Board - but not as easy.

1 - LandFall - This is the beach where you land - your turn ends here as you gird your loins for the ascent to the Crystal Cave. Discard your Ship - there is not going back now (besides which - you can't carry it)

2 - The Natives Are Restless - Uh oh - You have attracted the attention of some unhappy Natives - and they look hungry too - roll a die to see how they react: 1,2 They attack you 1d6 x Str 3 (if you lose encounter them again next turn), 3,4 They will let you past for a trinket - give them an Object (Magical if you have one), 5,6 They think you are a God and shower you with riches - take 1d6 Gold and move onwards and upwards.

3 - Rope Bridge - Uh oh Part 2 - The bridge will not support too much weight - Roll a die - You may take only enough Objects and Followers including yourself, totalling the score. EG - If you throw a 1 - you are on your own mate !

4 - The Point of No Return - You may halt here and deliberate on your fate - If you wish you may teleport back to your Starting Point (alone) or you may continue on your next Turn.

5 - Leap of Faith - Pray here and then JUMP !! Roll a die 1,2 You drop everything 3,4 You manage to grab your Objects but your Followers perish 5,6 Wow ! An acrobat - you made it (for the moment).

6 - Keeper of The Crystals - The Keeper will take a Crystal from you after testing your spirit - Roll a die 1,2 You are Impure and must return to Landfall, 3 Give up 2 Sapphires (Craft), 4 Give up 2 Rubies (Strength), 5 Give up 2 Emeralds (Life), 6 You are Pure - Move on to the Crystal Cave on your next turn.

7 - The Crystal Cave - Take a Talisman Card - Restore your Special Abilities and return to a Space of your choice in the Middle or Outer Region on your next turn.