By Gareth Williams

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Here are nearly 30 new talisman characters, just in case the 40 or so in the boxes and White Dwarf aren't enough for you (maybe its a very big party and you you have nothing else to do!). It's probably worth investing in counters or something cause you get piss all plastic hats in the basic game (we sometimes run out in games with 4 people!).



Fighting Monk

Plague Monk


Savage Orc



Elector Count


Dwarven Miner



Chaos Cultist

Knight Errant


Grey Seer

High Elf Mage




Bounty Hunter


Witch Hunter

Lizard Man

Escaped Slave




1. You always remain evil, if your alignment is ever changed you lose 1 life and revert back to evil alignment.

2. Anytime you roll a stalemate in battle, treat it as a win.

3. You cannot cast spells, any time you draw a spell, place it on the discard pile and gain 1 life.

4. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Ruins

Strength: 4 Craft: 2 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. At the start of any turn you may change into wolf form, getting +2 strength but -2 craft. This loss of craft can take you below your starting level. You revert to normal at the beginning of your next turn.

2. You may use no objects while in wolf form.

3.You must change on any turn in which an astral conjunction is in play.

4. Roll a die when you lose a life. On a 5 or 6 you regenerate it.

Starts in: The Crags

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. You may never carry more than 2 objects and 3 gold.

2. As long as your craft is higher than your strength, you receive a +1 strength bonus in battles.

3. You always defeat spirits you meet on a roll of 6 during psychic combat.

4. If another player attacks you, you may choose whether it is psychic combat or battle.

Starts in: The Chapel

Strength: 3 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Good



1. You can have no followers. Leave any followers in the square you meet them.

2. Roll a die any time you lose a battle, on a roll of 4 or more your opponent is killed anyway. If your opponent is a player, they lose 1 life instead. You lose a life as normal if this happens. You gain no experience if a monster is killed in this way.

3. If you meet a monster with strength lower than your craft you may automatically defeat it. You gain no experience if you defeat a monster in this way.

4. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Ruins

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. You start the game with a spell.

2. You may choose not to roll in the forest, if you do you must accept the result.

3. If you start a turn in a woods space, you may move to another woods space before rolling for movement.

4. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Forest

Strength: 2 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Good



1. Take the Bow from the purchase deck at the beginning of the game.

2. You have a boar that will never leave you, each turn it can either help you move or fight with you. If it helps you move roll an extra die for movement, choosing the highest. If it fights for you, add +1 to your strength until the beginning of your next turn.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren

Starts in: The Crags

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. Take the Broadsword and Armor from the purchase deck at the beginning of the game.

2. If you roll a 6 for movement you may move immediately to the Graveyard and regain 1 life. You may not roll in the Graveyard if you do this.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Graveyard

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. You only need 5 experience to gain a point in Strength, Craft, Lives or Gold.

Starts in: The Tavern

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. Take the Broadsword from the purchase deck at the beginning of the game.

2. Any time a 1 is rolled for movement you gain 1 gold in taxes.

3. Your retainers can carry any objects you desire, so you may carry any number of objects.

Starts in: The City Gates

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. You start the game with a spell.

2. Any time you draw a spell, take two, then choose which one you want and put the other one back.

Starts in: The Village

Strength: 2 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. Take the Battleaxe from the purchase deck at the start of the game.

2. If you come across a place, you may choose to place it in the discard pile without encountering it.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren.

4. Instead of moving during a turn you may mine the square you are in if there are no face up cards on it. When you do this you gain 1 gold.

Starts in: The Crags

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Good



1. You start the game with a spell.

2. If you land in the same space as another player, you may choose to take one of their followers.

3. When you meet a monster, roll a die and add the monsters strength, if your score is equal to or lower than your craft the monster becomes your follower, receive normal experience, and add its strength to yours for your next combat, then discard it.

Starts in: The Ruins

Strength: 2 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. Take the Bow and the Quiver from the purchase deck at the start of the game.

2. Each time you discard the Bow or the Quiver after a battle roll a die, on a roll of 4 or more you do not have to discard to object.

3. You can make arrows instead of moving if you wish, you may not do this if you are in a square with any face up cards in it. When you do this take a Quiver from the purchase deck.

Starts in: The Tavern

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. You can pretend to be of a different alignment, so may be treated as if of anyalignment you choose for the purpose of events and squares. Objects and followers always recognize your true alignment.

2. You may trade in up to one point of Strength, Craft, or Life at the end of each turn, gaining 7 experience. You cannot go below your starting Strength or Craft by doing this.

3. Any time you roll a 4 or more for movement you gain 1 experience as a gift from the Chaos Gods.

Starts in: The Village

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. Take the Broadsword, Shield and Armour from the purchase deck at the beginning of the game.

2. You gain 1 experience every time you gain a follower.

Starts in: The City Gates

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Good



1. Take the Broadsword from the purchase deck at the beginning of the game.

2. In battle you may lunge, if you do so, double your strength for this battle, including bonuses for weapons, but you lose a life regardless of the result, win, lose or draw.

3. You may vanquish a monster you defeat in battle, treat the encounter as normal, but leave the monster face up in the space afterwards, experience and other cards are treated normally.

Starts in: The Tavern

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. You start the game with a spell.

2. You may consume warpstone to gain spells. You may do this at the start of any turn, draw one spell and lose one life.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Ruins

Strength: 2 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. You start the game with a spell.

2. Take the Broadsword from the purchase deck at the beginning of the game.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren

Starts in: The City Gates

Strength: 3 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Good



1. You always remain evil. If your alignment is ever changed you lose 1 life and revert back to evil alignment.

2. You may make claw attacks in battle, you may not use any objects or followers if you do this, but you roll 3 dice and choose the highest for that battle.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Ruins

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. You always remain evil. If your alignment is ever changed you lose 1 life and revert back to evil alignment.

2. You have a cloud of flies that gives any opponent a -1 penalty to their strength in battle.

3. Anytime a follower leaves you, they die of the plague and are discarded. You gain 1 experience if this happens.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Ruins

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. You start the game with a spell.

2. You always remain evil, if your alignment is ever changed you lose 1 life and revert back to evil alignment.

3. If you lose a life may decide to split. If you do this you do not lose the life but instead lose a point of strength or craft. You cannot split if your strength or craft would go below their starting levels.

4. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Ruins

Strength: 3 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Evil



1. Take the Broadsword and Armor from the purchase deck at the beginning of the game.

2. You may capture a monster you defeat in battle, you gain normal experience, but the monster becomes your follower. If you take a captured monster to the City Gates, Tavern, Castle or Marketplace, you discard the monster and gain 1 gold for every 3 full points of strength the monster had. You may only have one captured monster at a time.

Starts in: The Tavern

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. You start the game with a spell.

2. You may fly across the river once per turn. When you do this, you may cross from the outer region to the inner region and vice versa, appearing on the adjacent square. You do not have to pay a toll when you do this.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Forest

Strength: 2 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Good


1. You start the game with a spell.

2. If you lose a psychic combat with a spirit, you may reroll your score and use the new one.

Starts in: The Chapel

Strength: 2 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Good



1. You may attempt to avoid any event card. If you do this, roll a die, on a 5 or more you avoid it and suffer no effects from it.

2. You may use your survival skills any time you land on a square that requires a die roll. If you do so, roll a die, on a three or more you are unaffected and need roll.

3. You are unaffected by the Siren.

Starts in: The Forest

Strength: 3 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



1. If you meet a goblin, orc, skaven or chaos dwarf of any kind you double your strength for that battle.

2. You are used to hard physical labour. You get +1 strength for any roll except battles.

Starts in: The Village

Strength: 4 Craft: 3 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Good



1. You start the game with a spell.

2. You may cast a spell as an illusion, if you do so, do not discard the spell and roll a die. On a roll of 4 or more the spell is believed and has normal effect, otherwise the spell is unconvincing and does nothing.

Starts in: The Tavern

Strength: 2 Craft: 4 Lives: 4

Experience: 0 Gold: 1 Alignment: Neutral



© 1996 Gareth Williams