Digital Classic Edition Beast Proxies

After starting the Digital Proxies project using the awesome resource that is Hero Forge (not forgetting Leavon’s fabulous sculpts on Spare Oom Studio), I was in contact with Talisman fan, Dejan Oblak, who mentioned that he’d been thinking about a similar project to bring the Ancient Beasts to life from Talisman: Digital Edition!

Taking his project that was already in progress we set about searching for a suitably low cost way of creating proxies for the beasts, using free resources from the likes of Thingiverse.

While this gave us a lot of the models we needed, there were still some beasts that required something a little too specific, so we ended up buying a few STL files from various makers, some of which were then altered slightly by Dejan.

The majority of the figures though were just printed as is, but all of the models were placed on a special 50mm base for a bit of uniformity.

As with the links to the Digital Proxies, some of them are available for purchase and/or download, though a number of them were remixes of models that could be freely shared, so those have been uploaded to Dejan’s Thingiverse account.

In keeping with the character project, I’ve created some homebrew Beast cards and even some tokens using screengrabs, but that’s as far as the conversion goes. This means that you’ll have to make up your own Rewards and other cards if you want to use them in your own game. There are plenty of resources about the place though if that is what you want to do.

That said, if anyone at Pegasus Spiele is reading this, I think the digital-exclusive properties would make a lovely addition to the physical game, and I’d buy the heck out of them!

Beast Sheet
Beast Sheet
Beast Sheet
The Shambler
Beast Sheet
Hero Forge
Beast Sheet
Hero Forge
Deimos & Phobos were made on Hero Forge using a simple Elemental body with a Merfolk tail. The tail fins were stripped away by Dejan using Mesh Mixer, and then rebased them after increasing the overall size of the figures.
Beast Sheet
Finding a Giant Snake model was easy enough as a base for this build, but it needed a bit of an upgrade with the head from the Flying Snake by the same author to give it more of a resemblance to Ganymai.
Beast Sheet
Tentacles of the Void
Beast Sheet

Soul Fragment Token
The original choice for Kallind was a Hunting Drake, but the body turned out to be just too long making the overall model far too small on its base, so Dejan lifted the head from the beast and added it to the body of Terry the Blue Dragon, after clipping his wings!
Beast Sheet

Runic Token
Kickstarter Golem
Beast Sheet
Frost Demon
Beast Sheet
Gorgon Serpent
Although the artwork for Nuguasha depicts her having multiple heads, her lore states that each Enemy she consumes results in an extra head being added to her body. So, whilst I went with a single-headed version of the Gorgon Serpent, Dejan created this magnificent three-headed version for his game!
Su’Rua Tu
Beast Sheet

Brood Token
The classic Sword Spider model is ideal for this proxy, especially when positioned in a such a way as to match the artwork. Dejan then added a handy clutch of Spider Eggs to the base which is in keeping with Su’Rua Tu’s egg-laying Brood mechanic.
Beast Sheet
Untamed Tyrannosaurs (Carnosaur #4)
Beast Sheet
Bearing an uncanny resemblance to the character Tamatoa from the Disney film Moana, Trovius was made using the 3D model of a genuine Dark Finger Reef Crab, with the addition of some legs taken from an Insectoid and topped off with a Treasure Pile for its loot!
Beast Sheet
Hero Forge
Virgil uses the body from the model for Goro from Mortal Kombat, but with some clever jiggery pokery from Dejan! First was a headswap from the Orc with Axes over on Thingiverse, and the hand/weapons from four of the Digital Proxies that were made using Hero Forge – the axe from the Woodsman, long sword from the Ranger, short sword from the Martyr and the sabre from the Witch Hunter.
*UPDATE* After an update that added multiple arms to Hero Forge, I decided add a mini to give people the opportunity to snag one if they wish, given that the original version used a paid STL which was then altered by Dejan which cannot be made available for download.
Beast Sheet
The angry cloud, Zephyr, uses the Flameskull as its base model, with the Tornado (minus the sharks!) positioned instead of a stand for support and some Wrist Lightning, which is intended for an action figure, added for a dramatic effect.
Rule Sheet
Cog was probably the most ambitious of the builds for this project, requiring a Steam Galleon as a base with the addition of the Skylift balloon, four Cargo Cranes, a Windmill and Bridge Buildings along with a Mast & Crow’s Nest… all balanced on top of some mechanical legs from an Iron Harvest-style Mech! For an extra flourish, two Cogs have been placed to the side of the ship to add some theme.
50mm Base Plain and Stone
In order to create a uniform ‘look’ for the Beasts and Cog, this base was used for each model as it is similar to the one from Hero Forge that is used for the Digital Proxies.