You must roll 3 dice. If the total is less than your combined Strength, Craft and Lives, you may enter the Keep on your next turn. If you fail, you must return to the space you just came from. You must take at least 1 turn outside of the Keep before you may re-enter it. |
The Sentry is a trained soldier in the Army of the Undead! He has a Strength and Craft of 5. Roll 1 die: 1: Safe. You sneak past the Sentry. 2-3: You must fight 2 rounds of Combat with the Sentry. 4-5: You must fight 2 rounds of Psychic Combat with the Sentry. 6: Give the Sentry 1 Magic Object, 1 Follower (place on discard pile) or 1 Life. If you win at least 1 round of Combat or Psychic Combat, you may proceed as normal next turn. If you lose both rounds, you must move back to the Hallway 3 Space. |
You have entered the chamber containing the age old, Tome of the Undead! A magical force compels you to read a passage from this ancient book! Roll 2 Dice: 2: Cursed! Lose 2 Lives. 3: Hexed! Lose 1 Strength (below Starting Quota if necessary.). 4: Spiritual Drain! Lose 1 Craft (below Starting Quota if necessary.). 5: Blighted! Roll 1 die. The total is the number of Followers that leave you. Place them on the appropriate discard piles. If you have no followers, lose 2 Lives. 6-7: Reconstituted! Heal to your Starting Quota of Lives. 8-9: Empowered! Gain 1 Strength. 10-11: Enlightened! Gain 1 Craft. 12: Blessed! Gain 2 Strength, Craft or Lives. |
You have caught the chief sorcerer of the Undead Army by surprise!!! He will attempt to cast the top 3 Spells from unused portion of the Spell deck at you and your party (The player on your right must perform this action.). If any Spells are moot (Invisibility, Water Walking, etc.) or beneficial to the caster or victim (Healing, Brainwave etc.), they must be discarded. The Wizard may use movement altering Spells. Be warned! The Wizard may not have a choice of Spells, but the Finger of Death could be next!!! |
This cobweb covered Coffin appears to be as old as the Keep itself! If you choose to open the Coffin, roll 1 die: 1: Nothing but dusty bones. 2: You find 2 Gold! 3: You find a Spell Book! Take your full compliment of Spells! 4: Attacked by a Strength 7 Vampire! 5: Attacked by a Craft 7 Vampire! 6: Bitten by a Poison Spider! Lose 1 Life. |
This mystic monument was forged from hatred by the exiled Vampires! The Obelisk generates a magical barrier that is not easily penetrated! Roll 2 dice and subtract your Craft from the total: 0-3: You successfully pass the barrier. You may stay here and roll for movement as normal next turn. 4-6: You are repelled back to the Corridor 18 Space. 7-9: You are repelled back to the Corridor 16 Space. 10-11: You Lose 1 Life and are blasted back to the 3rd Level Entrance 15 Space. |
The horrific Fountain of Blood prolongs the Vampires’ unholy existence. It also acts as a deterrent to intruders of the Keep. Upon entering the Fountain chamber, it releases an immense wave of Blood! Roll 2 dice and Subtract your Strength from the total: 0-3: You successfully “tread blood” and may move to the Talisman Vault next turn. 4-6: The Blood Wave rushes you back to the Corridor 18 Space. 7-9: The Blood Wave rushes you back to the Corridor 16 Space. 10-11: You lose 1 Life and the Blood Wave slams you back to the 3rd Level Entrance 15 Space. |
You've survived the perils of the Keep! Now you must face the challenges of the TALISMAN VAULT! Take a Talisman Card then Draw 3 Vault Cards. You must encounter all 3 Vault Cards. If you survive, you may keep your Talisman and Roll 2 dice to see where you begin your next turn: 2: Warlocks’ Cave 3: Portal of Power 4: Temple 5: Cursed Glade 6: Oasis 7: Crags 8: Graveyard 9: Chapel 10: Ruins 11: Village 12: Forest If you are killed, Place your Talisman, Objects and Followers in the Vault. Any Character landing here may take them... if they survive! |