Since the day they were banished, the Vampires have struggled to escape
their otherworldly prison.
With the Wizard long dead, their strength and numbers grew wildly.
The most powerful, of the
massive Undead Army, constructed a maddening Keep where they could
plan their Invasion of the
living realm. The only obstacle for them was the Crown of Command!
After untold years of plotting and planning, the Vampires have gradually
been sending their soldiers
and agents into the mortal plane. Though the Undead creatures could
not touch the Crown of
Command, they constructed a Tower in the Inner Region to keep watch
over it.
In a desperate act to keep any would be conquerors away from the Crown
of Command, the
Vampires have recovered all of the mystical Talismans. Now, the
only way to get to the Crown...
Lies in the VAMPIRE'S KEEP!
1. Summary
2. Components
3. Setting Up
4. Entering the Keep
5. Movement in the Keep
6. Teleport Tiles
7. Encounters in the Keep
8. Special spaces in the Keep
9. Leaving the Keep
10. Fleeing the Keep
11. Spells in the Keep
12. Events in the Keep
13. Special Abilities in the Keep
14. New Cards
15. Alternate Keep Rules
1. Summary
The Vampire's Keep is designed to expand the world of Talisman dark
new way. Throughout the course of the game, Characters may discover several
points of entry to the Keep. If this expansion is used with the new accompanying
rules, the only way a Character can successfully obtain a Talisman is through
the bowels of the Keep. The Keep exists on a mysterious plane and is riddled
with terrors, traps and treasure. Only the strongest adventurers may survive
the perils of the Vampire's Keep!
2. Components
The Vampire's Keep consists of the following:
3 Keep Boards (each signifies 1 Level)
24 Adventure Cards
60 Vampire's Keep Cards
12 Vault Cards
40 Teleport Counters
2 Page Reference Sheet
3. Setting Up
3.1. Set up the Main game and other expansions as normal.
3.2. Place the Vampire's Keep boards beside the main board.
3.3. Remove all Talisman cards from the Adventure deck.
3.3. Shuffle the Adventure cards into the regular deck.
3.4. Shuffle the Keep Cards and place them face down next to the 3 level boards.
3.5. Shuffle the Talisman Vault deck and place them face down beside the 3rd Level board of the Keep.
3.6. Place the Teleport Counters in a cup or similar opaque container.
4. Entering the Keep
There are several ways a Character may enter the Keep. Any Character
that successfully reaches the Keep must start at the Keep Entrance and
follow the instructions given on the space to proceed.
4.1. Ethereal Portal
After the new Adventure cards are shuffled into the deck, there will
be 8 Ethereal Portal Cards. These allow Characters to move to the Keep
4.2. Warlocks’ Cave
If a Character visits the Warlock, they must roll 2 dice
under their combined Strength and Craft. If the score is equal or less,
he will guide the Character into his Cave to a magic portal to the Keep
4.3. The Enchantress
The Enchantress will send any Character that brings her 1 Magic Object
to the Keep Entrance with her awesome powers.
4.4. The Village Mystic will transport any Character to the Keep that pays her 5 Gold
4.5. Other Adventure Cards and Locations Any other Adventure Card (Strangers, Events, etc. from any deck) or board location (on any board) that allows a Character to take a Talisman will now transport the Character to the Keep Entrance.
5. Movement in the Keep
5.1. The Keep board is divided into 3 Levels and represents a spiral, tower-like structure. The only way into the Keep is the first space, the Entrance. The final space is the Talisman Vault. Characters may only exit through the Keep Entrance or Talisman Vault. This is detailed below.
5.2. Characters in the Keep follow the spaces in numerical order from
the Entrance to the Talisman Vault. Each space is labeled 1-21. The die
roll for movement is different than the Main board. Use the following chart
to determine the amount of spaces a Character is allowed to move per turn
in the Keep:
1-2: Move 1 Space
3-4: Move 2 Spaces
5-6: Move 3 Spaces
5.3. A Character may only move backwards through the Vault (towards
the Entrance) under the following circumstances:
-If instructed to so by the rules a Card or Space (also see rule 6);
-When a Character is Fleeing the Vampire's Keep (See rule 7).
5.4. No Characters movement can be altered by any Spell, Object, Special Ability or other means in the Keep. All Characters must use the Keep Movement Chart described in 5.2.
5.5. No Character may take Horses, Horses and Carts or WarHorses into the Keep. Mules and Anti-Grav Platforms are allowed.
6. Teleport Tiles
6.1 Several Teleport Tile Cards (Place 6) are in the Keep deck. If one
is overturned it is laid face up on the space from which it was drawn.
The player that overturns the card must then draw a random Teleport Counter
(see 3.6) and place it on the card. The number on the Teleport Counter
signifies what Space of the Keep a Character will be teleported to when
the card is drawn or landed on.
For example:
A Teleport Tile is drawn in the Corridor 11 space of Level 2. Then,
a Teleport counter is drawn bearing the number 2, which signifies the Hallway
2 space of Level 1. Any player that lands in the Corridor 11 Space must
then move immediately to the Hallway 2 Space.
6.2. Teleport Tiles on “Draw 2 Card” Spaces are handled in the following
If a Character lands on a Draw 2 Card space and chooses 2 Teleport
Tiles they must immediately discard 1 of them. Only one Teleport Tile may
occupy any Space in the Keep.
6.3. If a Character Lands on a Draw 2 Card Space with a Teleport Tile
and no other cards, they must draw an additional Keep Card. Teleport Tiles
are always the last card encountered on any space.
A character lands on the Torchlit Corridor 9 Space and there is a Teleport
Tile (Place 6) with a number 2 Counter on it. There are no additional cards
in the space. The player then draws a second card. The player draws a Vampire
Warrior (Enemy Monster 2). The Character must fight a round of Combat with
the Vampire Warrior. When the Combat is over the Character must then encounter
the Teleport Tile and move to the Hallway 2 Space.
6.3. There is always the chance of creating a Teleport “loop” when there
are more than one Teleport Tile cards on the board. A “loop” means there
are 2 or more Teleport Tiles in play that will bounce Characters back and
forth between certain spaces. If this occurs, it should be resolved in
the following manner:
-The Teleported Character ends their turn on the destination Tile.
On their next turn, they must roll 1 die. If the result is equal or less
than the Characters Craft, they break free from the “loop” and roll for
normal movement, proceeding forward from the Teleport Tile they are currently
on. If the player fails to roll less than the Characters Craft, they must
Teleport again.
Example 1: Freeing a Character from a Teleport Loop
The Warrior lands on a Teleport Tile on the Hallway 6 Space with a
#2 Counter on it. The Warrior is then Teleported to the Hallway 2 Space.
The Hallway 2 Space has a Teleport Tile with a #6 Counter on it. The Warriors
Turn ends here. On the Warriors next turn, the controlling player must
roll equal or less than his Craft of 3 on 1 die. The result is 2. The Warrior
has freed himself from the “loop” and now rolls for normal movement and
begins his move from the Hallway 2 space.
Example 2: Failing to Free a Character from a Teleport Loop
The Warrior lands on a Teleport Tile on the Hallway 6 Space with a
#2 Counter on it. The Warrior is then Teleported to the Hallway 2 Space.
The Hallway 2 Space has a Teleport Tile with a #6 Counter on it. The Warriors
Turn ends here. On the Warriors next turn, the controlling player must
roll equal or less than his Craft of 3 on 1 die. The result is 5. The Warrior
is then Teleported back to the Hallway 6 Space and must attempt to free
himself next turn.
If a Character cannot successfully break free of the “loop” in 3 turns, they are automatically freed and may roll for normal movement after the 3rd turn.
7. Encounters in the Keep
7.1. Encounters in the Keep are dealt with the same way as encounters on the Main board.
7.2. Special Abilities remain the same as when on the Main board in the Keep except for movement bonuses (see 5.4).
8. Special Spaces in the Keep.
Much like the Main board, the Keep Level boards have special Spaces
with instructions must or may be followed. The Vampire's Keep Reference
Card has detailed rules for each Special Space.
8.1. Keep Entrance 1:
Sealed by magic, the door to the Keep may not be too easy to open!
8.2. Sentry 4:
The Sentry is a powerful soldier of the Undead Army. Those landing
in his outpost will see that he is a formidable opponent.
8.3. Tome of the Undead 10:
This book of magic predates known history. No living or undead creature
can resist reading from its’
mystical pages!
8.4. Vampire Wizard 14:
The chief magic user of the Vampires is constantly working on ways
to escape the accursed ethereal realm. If disturbed, he will attempt to
unleash a rash of Spells!
8.5. Ancient Coffin 17:
As old as the Keep itself, the Ancient Coffin could contain Treasure
or a deadly Trap!
8.6. Sacred Obelisk 19:
The Obelisk is a monument forged from the Vampires hatred for the old
Wizard that banished them! Only the strong of will may pass its’ powerful
8.7. Fountain of Blood:
Not only is the Fountain of Blood the source of the Vampires foul existence,
but it is also a gruesome
defense to keep would be intruders away from the Talisman Vault!
8.8. Talisman Vault:
An array of traps and villains riddle the sacred Talisman Vault! Intruders
may have to rely on their strength, wit and luck to survive its’ perils!
9. Leaving the Keep
9.1 When you reach the Talisman Vault, take a Talisman Card and draw 3 Vault Cards (also see Reference Sheet). After you encounter all 3 of the Vault cards, in sequence, your turn then ends. If you survive, you may then leave the Keep by rolling the die and consulting the Exit Table on the Reference Sheet. If your Character is killed, place the Talisman Card, all of your Objects and Followers on the Talisman Vault space.
10. Fleeing the Keep
At any point, you may decide to have your Character retreat or Flee
form the Keep. Once the Character begins to Flee, you cannot change your
mind, but move all the way back to the Keep Entrance. Movement is the same
as a rule 5.2 or as the Keep Movement Chart on the Reference Card. You
must end your last turn on the Keep on the Entrance. You begin your next
turn on the space in which you entered the Keep. In addition, you must
take at least 1 turn on the Main board or City board before re-entering
the Keep.
11. Spells in the Keep
11.1. Characters in the Keep may cast spells as on the Main board with
the following exceptions:
-No Spells may be cast that alter or add a bonus to Movement while
in the Keep.
- The Teleport Spell may not be used in the Keep.
- Characters in the Keep may not cast Spells on Characters on the Main,
City, Dungeon, Timescape or any other board.
11.2. Characters in the Keep cannot be affected by Spells cast by Characters on the Main, City, Dungeon, Timescape or other board.
12. Events in the Keep
Characters in the Keep cannot be affected by any Event card from the
Adventure, City, Dungeon, Timescape or other deck with the exception of
Divine Intervention.
13. Special Abilities in the Keep
Characters in the Keep retain all Special Abilities except for those
that enhance or alter movement. See rule 5.4.
14. New Cards
There are 2 new decks of cards that accompany this new Expansion.
This deck consists of 48 cards and is used for normal encounters in
the Keep. When a player is instructed to draw 1 or 2 cards in the Keep,
they are taken from this deck.
This deck consists of 12 cards that are only drawn from when a Character
is in the Talisman Vault Space.
15. Alternate Keep Rules
If you don’t want to take all of the Talisman Cards out of the game,
you can simply use the Vampire's Keep expansion as another option to acquire
a Talisman. Follow all of the setup procedures, but leave the Talisman
cards in the Adventure deck. If you choose this option, Characters should
attempt to enter the Keep by visiting the Village Mystic, Enchantress or
by drawing an Ethereal Portal Card only. See rules 4.3 - 4.5.
Instead of a Character Gaining a Talisman, you can implement the Treasure
Horde Table. When a Character has reached the Talisman Vault space, they
roll 2 dice:
2. Gain 10 Gold
3. Gain 9 Gold
4. Gain 8 Gold
5. Gain 7 Gold & 1 Spell
6-7. Gain 6 Gold & 2 Spells
8-9. Gain 6 Gold, Armor & Sword
10. Gain 7 Gold & Sword
11. Gain Sword, Shield & Armor
12. Gain Sword, Shield, Helmet & Armor
After the Character gains their Treasure, they must then draw 3 Vault Cards. If the Character encounters all 3 Vault Cards and Survives, they may leave the Keep on their next turn. If the Character is killed, their Treasure, Objects and Followers are placed in the Vault and may be picked up by any Character landing there and kept if they survive!
The Keep can also be used to replace the perils of Inner Region. To
implement this method, a Character that gains a Talisman and survives the
Keep may then move immediately to the Crown of Command. This could make
for a short and bloody game.
VAMPIRES’ KEEP was created by Kenneth R. Picklesimer, Jr. 1998-1999.
All artwork (except the Talisman Logo) contained in this expansion is exclusive property of Kenneth R. Picklesimer, Jr. and may not be altered, reproduced or displayed without express written consent.
If you have any questions regarding this expansion, please contact me
via e-mail at:
This Unofficial Talisman Expansion is intended for free use and is not to be sold.
Talisman is a copyright of Games Workshop. Any use of the name Talisman or the Logo is not for financial gain, but merely used for cross-reference.