Fantasy Flight Games have posted a new preview for The Woodland, the latest expansion for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman. This time we can
Month: July 2014

Nomad Games have now flicked the switch and made the Black Witch character pack for Talisman: Digital Edition available for purchase and download through your

Now that the status of The Woodland expansion for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman has been changed to being “On the Boat”, it means

When I was updating the Miniature pages for the new-style Talisman Island, I wanted to feature some more artists in the 2nd Edition and 3rd

When is a sneak peek not a sneak peek? When you have already seen it of course! Today I bring you a closer look at

Great news for iPad users, as The Frostmarch expansion makes its way onto that platform, along with The Gambler character pack which was recently released

Another character pack for Talisman: Digital Edition has been released today, so let’s give a big welcome to The Gambler! The Gambler likes to play