The Upcoming Page on the Fantasy Flight Games website has updated the status of The Cataclysm expansion for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman to
Category: Cataclysm

With the recent update on the Fantasy Flight Games website, it’s looking like the boat carrying The Cataclysm expansion for the Revised 4th Edition of

Fantasy Flight Games have put up a new preview for The Cataclysm today, this time looking at the Characters and Denizens you might meet on

According to the Fantasy Flight Games website, The Cataclysm expansion for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman is still on that boat, so I thought

After a bit of a wait, The Cataclysm expansion for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman has a new preview up on the Fantasy Flight

As a quiet celebration of the 17th anniversary of Talisman Island, I thought I would show off another piece of artwork from The Cataclysm expansion

The Cataclysm expansion for the Revised 4th Edition of Talisman is marked as being “at the printer” on the Fantasy Flight Games site, with a

According to the date on the Fantasy Flight Games website, we now only have a couple of months to wait before The Cataclysm expansion is

Well, it’s just about the end of 2015 here, and what better way to end the year than with a rather apt piece of artwork

So, everyone is getting hyped for the latest Star Wars film (and games related shenanigans), Christmas is around the corner, and then Fantasy Flight Games