Nomad Games have confirmed today that, Beyond the Veil, a new expansion for Talisman: Origins will be coming to the game on the 3rd of
Category: Facebook

As Spiel Essen is just around the corner, those generous people from Pegasus Spiele have put a little contest on their Facebook page tonight where

*UPDATE* It’s finished… and it’s incredible! Leavon of Spare Oom Studio is certainly not letting the grass grow under his feet when it comes to

Italian-speaking fans of Talisman can be happy today as I Reami Perduti, the expansion that combines The Nether Realm and The Deep Realms expansions is

Nomad Games have just posted up a poll on their Facebook page with the chance to vote for the next Character Pack to be released

Followers of the Talisman Island Facebook page will have seen me posting about Omnitray from Fat Cat Gaming this last week, and the news is

I thought I would have a play with embedding Facebook posts to the site, as I’ve realised that sometimes I post there and forget to