The offspring of elves and humans they are shunned by High Elves, welcomed by Wood Elves and mistrusted by some Humans. They have many of the abilities of their elven sires and the mannerisms of Humans.
Half Elf |
25 Points |
Ability |
Cost |
Description |
Bow Bonus |
5 |
+1 thaco and damage with all bows |
Cold Resistance |
5 |
+1 save vs cold and ice attacks |
Fitness Bonus |
10 |
+1 Con |
Heat Resistance |
5 |
+1 save vs heat and fire attacks |
Infravision |
10 |
60ft or 18mtrs |
Resist |
5 |
30% resistance to Sleep and Charm attacks |
Secret Doors |
5 |
roll D6; if actively searching on 1-3 detect hidden area if not searching and only passing detect on 1 |
Sword Bonus |
5 |
+1 thaco and damage with all swords |
Available OCCs include any except Magebane and Trollslayer |