Guidance on Your Quest

The updated FAQ for Talisman is now available
originally published 6 December 2011

Ages have passed since a mighty and mysterious wizard, placed his powerful Crown of Command beyond the Plain of Peril and the Valley of Fire, daring the bravest adventurers of the realm to seek it out. Over the years, many would-be conquerers have sought the Crown, but now their bones lie bleached and broken. Avoid their fate! Arm yourself with the knowledge you’ll need to make the ascent.

The updated FAQ for Talisman (pdf, 276 KB), the classic magical quest game, is now available on our support page . For details, here’s a word from Talisman ’s developer, John Goodenough.

Arcane Secrets Revealed

Quests, combat, glory, and gold! The Talisman FAQ has been updated to aid you on your perilous journey to the Crown of Command. This document includes errata and frequently asked questions for every Talisman Revised 4th Edition product currently in print, including The Dragon expansion. A clarification section has been added to cover special circumstances, should they occur when various expansions are played at the same time.

Download the updated FAQ today, and prepare yourself for fantastic adventures in a mythic world of dragons and sorcery!

Talisman is a classic board game of adventuring through the lands in search of the powerful Crown of Command. Take control of one of 14 different characters from a powerful Troll to a magical Druid, and enter a beloved world of fantasy adventure!