Day Dreams and Night Terrors

A look at the passage of time in Talisman: The Blood Moon
originally published 13 April 2012

The sun was already melting into the horizon as the Prophetess noticed the stone columns of old ruins jutting from the hillside before her. Merchants in the village had told her to be wary on her journeys; there were rumors of a Werewolf stalking the realm at night. So far, the Prophetess hadn’t encountered the Werewolf, but she noticed each night seemed colder, darker, and deadlier than the one before it. The fading sun threw long, dark shadows from the ominous ruins, and the Prophetess shivered. She sensed danger in the coming night…

Frightening monsters prowl the realm at night, and soon players will have reason to fear the arrival of dusk. With the upcoming release of The Blood Moon expansion for Talisman , not only will a powerful Werewolf stalk adventurers from wood to field, but new, far-reaching mechanics for the passage of time create a chilling distinction between adventuring on a sunny day… and in the chill of a pale, moonlit night.

Day and Night

In The Blood Moon , players keep track of Day and Night with the new dual-sided Time Card. Whenever a player draws one or more Events, Time passes and the player flips the Time Card before he encounters any of the cards he’s drawn. The exception is that the Time Card is not flipped if an Event instructs a player to flip the Time Card to a specific side and the Time Card is already on that side.

The advent of Day and Night may not seem like much at first, but players will find that creatures can become more or less frightening, depending when adventurers encounter them.

During the Day, all creatures subtract one from their strength in battle and psychic combat (to a minimum of one), but under the cover of night, the same creatures each add one to their strength.

Moreover, many of the spells and adventure cards in The Blood Moon extend the influence of Day and Night, granting unique benefits during one or the other. Spells like Benediction , that restore lives, work best under the light of Day, but magical items drawn from shadows and dark sorcery work best at Night. The Night hours are also when haunting spirits awake and gather, when witches boil their foul brews, when Lurking Horrors prey upon the weak, and Disciples of Darkness work their strongest magic.

Lunar Events

The Blood Moon expansion also features another new type of card, the Lunar Event. A Lunar Event is encountered like a normal Events except for a couple of key distinctions:

Each Lunar Event indicates the side to which the Time Card must be flipped.

Lunar Events do not play onto the game board. Instead, players must place Lunar Events off the board, next to the Time Card, where they remain in play until the Time Card is flipped over. This can result in multiple Lunar Events being in play at the same time.

Lunar Events each introduce universal effects that impact all players, and because they remain in play until the Time Card flips, they can cast your game in light or shadow. This new card type goes a long way toward providing a strong, immersive aspect to your games of Talisman, especially whenever multiple Day or Night effects accumulate.

Brace yourself for nightfall. The Blood Moon is coming to herald an exciting new time for your adventures in the realm of Talisman !