FFG Archived News

With the imminent end of the agreement between Games Workshop and Fantasy Flight Games, I’ve taken it upon myself to archive the news pages from the FFG site just in case they have to be deleted for some reason.

Nothing fancy, I’ve basically just copied the content across, so links will most likely not be active, but any content linked from the pages should be available somewhere on Talisman Island.

Images that were embedded as links into text have been added to the relevant pages, so some formatting might be off, but they should still prove useful.

I’ll probably revisit them at some point to tidy them up a bit, but it might be a little while!

Evolution of the Toad
Quest for the Crown of Command
The Prophetess, The Druid, and the Troll
Talisman: The Reaper Promotion!
The Vagaries Of Fate
Location, Location, Location
The Race for the Crown of Command Begins
Talisman Reaper Promo Extended!
The First Step On Your Quest
Don’t Fear
Descend Into The Dungeon
The Path Ahead
Digging Deeper
What Lies Beneath…
Going Further Into The Darkness
Light Your Torches
The Doorway Stands Open Before You
The Icy Touch
Heroes of All Sizes
The Warlock Awaits…
New Alternatives
Mountains of Ice Dominate the Horizon
Scale the Mountain’s Peak
All That Glitters…
Mistress of the Night
A Hearty Adventurer
Relics of the Eagle King
Sent From Above
A Map of the Summit
Reach the Summit
Where Power Flows Like Water
A New Reason to Quest
A Valiant Horseman
Choose Your Path, Face Your Judgement
A Guide to Good and Evil
Judgement Day is Upon Us
Here There Be Dragons!
A New Dragon King Arrives!
Choose Your Approach to the Dragon King
They Will Sing Our Legends
Discover the Trials Before You
The Dragon, The Dungeon, The Highland, and You
Dragons Invade the Realm
A Pale Glow Engulfs the Land…
Stalking His Prey
Day Dreams and Night Terrors
Children of the Night
Night of The Blood Moon
The City
Sights and Sounds of The City
Claim Your Bounties in The City
New Faces Come to The City
Shopping Options in The City
Plan Your Trip to The City
Talisman: The City Is Now Available
The Firelands
From the Flames
A Hero Rises
Enter the Firelands
The Nether Realm The Woodland
No Ordinary Walk in the Woods
Tempting Fate
A Meeting with Destiny
Out of the Woods
Into the Woods
The Deep Realms
What Lies Beneath
The Harbinger
The Shattering World
Warriors of the End Times
The End Begins Now
The Cataclysm
After the Fall
Personal Invitation
No Longer Lost
Brave New World
Something New
Take Your Game to the Next Level
More Ways to Win
Quest with Confidence
Guidance on Your Quest
Talisman Prologue is Coming Soon
Talisman Prologue Is Now Available for Download
Epic Fantasy Adventure on the Go
Talisman Digital Edition Is Available for Download
Adventure in the Grim Future
Prepare for Battle in the Antian Sector
Wargear and Power Cards
Battling the Threats of the Antian Sector
The Consequences of Chaos
Prove Your Worth to the Imperium
Your Epic Adventure Begins
Enemies of the Imperium
The Berserker and the Broodlord
Nemeses Arrive in the Antian Sector
About Relic: Nemesis
Halls of Terra
The Heart of the Imperium
Cunning and Corruption
For the Emperor or for Chaos
Enter the Sol System