Playtesting files available!


Due to the fact that there is now an OFFICIAL boxed expansion that uses the name The Lost Realms, I have changed the name of this project to The Realms of Legend and have remade some of the files to replace any images that use that particular name.

To remove any doubt, the OFFICIAL expansion is a collection of the two Print on Demand expansions, The Nether Realm & The Deep Realms (coincidentally also designed by me!), and both of the UNOFFICIAL expansions – The Realms of Legend & The Realms Untravelled – have been collected with a similar box that is named The Realms of Adventure!

It’s been a while, as often happens in real life, but I’ve been doing a bit of tinkering in the shadows and have finally put some files together for people to playtest The Lost Realms if they would like to!

There are a few bits and pieces that need finalising, such as some missing artwork, templates, and the examples in the rule book will need updating once everything is sorted.

The Realm cards will come in two flavours in the final release, one set being a standard size with card backs and one Realm board like in the download below, so you can play whichever way you wish.

All of the cards have been remade using standard card templates, so I should be able to just slot in the new ones when they are ready.

You can see that I’ve adjusted how fatebound mechanics are displayed on cards, which is only a small tweak, but it certainly looks better this way. It should still be obvious what happens at least!

The Trail cards all had an update to incorporate the suggestions mentioned in the last blog post, and I’ve put placeholder images in the three cards that are still missing artwork.

The Realm cards saw a slight update, but it was mainly to reduce the size of the text boxes in the Iron Peaks so you can see more of the great Realms artwork.

The rules cards have been updated with everything I think is necessary, and I’ve included a credit to everyone that came and visited the FFG thread to offer support or advice. You may have noticed a sneaky line being drawn on the forum to close off the entries for now, as if I add many more it will throw out the formatting of the cards!

I think the expansion is in a pretty good place at the moment, and any tweaks made will only be to correct real issues that people might find.

The files have been made at A4 size, but should still print out well enough if you use some strange colonial format… 🙂

Please don’t spread these files about as yet, though you could use it to start a translation project if you wish.

Bear in mind that I will be making the source files for the expansion available after release for anyone that wishes to localise The Lost Realms, but I’ll be sending those out on a case by case basis.

If you find any issues, please leave a comment in the discussion thread at the FFG forums.


I’ve replaced the Red Cap with the Rusalka from the Woodland expansion, and corrected a small typo on the Master of Fate card.

* UPDATE 2 *

I’ve added the missing word “up” to option 6 of the Enchanted Path and Shadow Pathway cards.

Copies of the new cards are below.

Enchanted Path Update

Shadow Pathway Update

Rusalka Update

Master of Fate Update

The Lost Realms Beta Download – 149mb

Discussion Thread at FFG

Blog Post 1 – The Lost Realms

Blog Post 2 – And so it begins…

Blog Post 3 – Of Traps and Trails

Blog Post 4 – It’s taking shape nicely

Blog Post 5 – A bit of a quiet week or two…

Blog Post 6 – Rules, tweaks and fixes

Blog Post 7 – What a difference a day makes…