Issue #1 of The TalismAnorak is now available!

/tăl′ĭs-mən, -ĭz-/
An object marked with magic signs and believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection.

A geek or nerd, possibly originally either a train spotter or a fan of off-shore pirate radio.

Katie B.

Over the years, Talisman superfan – Katie B – would come up with some interesting questions about her Talisman collection and sometimes I’d be able to help, and other times I would have to admit defeat and she’d go off like a detective to track down some information about the game, and most times end up with even more Talisman stuff on her shelves as a result!

Not long ago, it was suggested that there might be others out there with a love of the minutiae of Talisman (especially me!) and that she should perhaps write an article about these taxing problems… and she has… in fact, she’s managed to make a magazine out of the first lot of Talisman-related trivia for your delectation!

Reading Katie’s work has made me smile from ear to ear today, as I remember discovering some of the things that she’s mentioned in the past, and I’m sure that I must have a list of similar things that people don’t readily know, or perhaps were discussed back in the mists of time over on the Talisman Yahoo Group back in the day.

I’ll be sure to look out some more trivia and if you have anything interesting that you’d like to share, please get in touch and I’ll forwards it to Katie for possible inclusion in a future publication.

In the mean time, grab the file through the link below and please feedback via email or perhaps Facebook!

Issue #1 of The TalismAnorak

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