A beacon of hope was ignited today by those hard working goblins at Nomad Games today, with the announcement of four more Legendary Decks for Talisman: Digital Edition coming next month!
Tougher decks for the City, Sacred Pool, Blood Moon and Frostmarch expansions are planned which should keep digital players busy questing for a while!
In other news, following the recent disappearance of physical copies of the Revised 4th Edition game and expansions over on the Pegasus Spiele web store, confirmation has come that the current edition would seem to be at an end.
Thanks to Andreas for the heads up on the latest stirrings on the forums there, with a post by Ronja from the Pegasus Spiele Marketing Team which (Google translate willing!) mentions that the licence for the latest edition expired in December, though it does not effect what’s currently in store for their other licensed products in the Talisman World.
It also mentions that there is something in production for the Talisman Adventures Fantasy RPG, which I presume to be the Tales of the Dungeon source book!
Of course, this doesn’t mean that Pegasus Spiele haven’t signed up to produce a new edition, or include any news about the still absent Talisman card game – Clash of Heroes, but no doubt time will tell.