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Can you imagine Talisman being associated with Geekdom? "Surely not!" I hear you cry, or more than likely "Yes, actually I can!". Whatever your answer was, it seems to be what has happened on The Big Bang Theory, the brilliant comedy show from CBS.

It's great to see the game on the small screen, and it has been featured three times so far. You have to wonder though if anyone at CBS really knows how the game works as some of the scenes have far too many Characters in play. Unless of course these uber geeks have some mad Talisman skills!

The Big Bang Theory

The Peanut Reaction
Series 1: Episode 16


3 Players - 6 Characters - 2 Toads!


Drink AND food on the table!

The Tangerine Factor
Series 1: Episode 17


4 Players - 8 Characters - 3 Toads!


"Enslaved by Warlocks, stay here until you roll 2, 4 or 6"

The Financial Permeability
Series 2: Episode 14


3 Players - 4 Characters - 1 Toad!


"We're on a quest to the Valley of Fire to acquire the sacred Crown"

The Spaghetti Catalyst
Series 3: Episode 20


3 Players - 3 Characters - 2 Toads!


No Adventure cards, but plenty of tokens on the board!

You will of course have noticed that they are playing with a copy of the Black Industries 4th Edition of the game with the cardboard stand ups. It would be nice if FFG could whisk a copy of the Revised 4th Edition over to CBS for them to play with. Perhaps they could work it into the plot line!